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Parrot Abuse

Guest Lidia

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Guest Lidia

Joshua was inside his favourite kitchen cupboard last night while I was watching television, and managed to shut the door on himself. I didn't notice for, oh, I don't know how long, but when I realised I couldn't hear him, I went to open the cupboard door. He was quite happily ensconced inside and had fallen asleep and was very grumpy and wouldn't come out of the cupboard, and went all hedgehoggy when I tried to pick him up. It was quite cute.

I guess he felt comfortable in the dark cupboard and I wonder if he didn't deliberately close the door so he could take a catnap!?!

Strange and wonderful bird!


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Guest briansmum

thats a nice story, lucky he enjoys his cupboard so much. you should try and get a picture of him playing in there, i bet it's very cute.


wierd how they seem to enjoy dark places, brians cage is about a foot off the ground and he loves to play underneath it. perculiar things :laugh:

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Thats so cute.


Roxy also like to stick her head in dark places, she has a red blanket that I cover her with at night, when she sits in het sleep corner of her cage, I take out the red blanket. As soon as she sees it she makes all this cute squeeky noises and shakes her tail, when I cover her, she makes more cute noises.


She is starting to talk now, so I am saying "goodnight" when she goes to sleep. Hope she catches on to it soon.


They are our babies.

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And you will Brenda, it does seem like forever when you decide to get one until you actually get it home, but the wait will be worth it.


Dan these greys ARE just like children, in so many ways.


Lidia, what a cute story, you have a gift of storytelling so keep em coming.:)

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uummmm . ..... I don't want to be a party pooper, but african greys nest in trees ie dark holes. My baby took that very seriously and decided to lay eggs after spending time in cupboards, and became egg bound. I could have lost my grey, in part because I let her play in dark cupboards. I too thought it was cute. I'm probably making too much of it, but Beckett is not ever spending time in cupboards again.

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