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Challenges with Step-Ups


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I've discovered something today. I've mentioned in previous posts that Baby will willing step-up from floor to hand, and that's the only time we don't need to use the stick. As of today, I learned that I need to clarify something. Actually, he will only step-up willingly from floor to hand when I'm in a standing position as if to retrieve him. If I'm sitting on the floor or bed or same surface as him, or even crouched down he will lunge for a bite if my hand approaches. We are consistent in our efforts and don't want to give up with this. He's only been living with us since Nov 6. I don't even know if he knows what step-up means because his little foot goes up just at the sight of the stick. Or if I'm standing, his foot goes up to be picked up off the floor...both instances happen even before the words step-up come out of our mouth. However, we do say it regardless. We've tried rewarding him with good floor to hand (in standing position) step-ups with good praise and even offering a peanut but he's not interested. His eyes always stay wide and black during these exercises and never "closed." Is that a sign that he's irritated by this and not comfortable?


Do you think it will ever get to the point where he will step-up from any surface to any surface esp. hands? Is there hope? Or is he two set in his ways at 2yrs old and conditioned to using the stick since it is what his "before-mommy" taught him? For whatever reason...?

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Keep at it. I would consider getting rid of the stick altogether. Obviously, Baby knows what's expected with the stick. Now it's time to get him to do it with your hand. The success you have from standing can be transformed to sitting over time. Just be consistent like you have been and keep at it - but remove the stick. Just remember, you are teaching a lifetime of behaviour, so don't give up.

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I'm of the same mind as Dave on losing the stick.


One way you could try, would be to wear a very thick sweatshirt and have him step up on your Arm, in place of the stick. If the sweatshirt is not thick enough, wrap a towel around your arm. The key is getting him to step up on you, not a stick.


He already knows what step-up is, as indicated by lifting his foot in anticipation or even a request if he wants one and your not asking him.


Just say "Step-Up" every time you do it. He will quickly link that command to the words, if he already doesn't know them.


The key is constancy, determination, no fear or anticipation. Make sure you are calm and determined before requesting a step-up. They can feel your anxiety and react to it. If your clam, it changes all the dynamics.

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Harvey goes for my husband every time that he goes to pick him up. My husband does what Dan describes - he pulls his sweater down over his hand and then tells Harvey to step up - it is very strange, but he then steps up and doesn't bite! He clearly does want to step up as he is starting to lift his foot - he is exerting his authority by biting - and knows he can! Good luck - the sweater thing really works :)

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Because I have very thin blood, I have always had my grey step up on my arm instead of my finger/hand. Now that she flies when I hear her coming I just put my arm out and she lands beautifully on it. Because I believe my arm is much stronger than a finger Ana Grey doesn't feel the need to beak me to see if her "perch" is strong. We are both happy.

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