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Roxy killed a lovebird


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Hey all.


We had such a sad experience this weekend. My brother had a lovebird, that kept on wanting to go to Roxy, and we just made a point to keep them away because Roxy plays ruff, she never bit anyone before, but she can get nasty when she plays.


So we were outside chatting with friends, I went inside to get my car keys and couldn't find the lovebird. My brother came to look for him and found him dead in Roxy's cage. I could not believe that she did such a thing, she is the most loving bird I ever saw. I was heart broken for the bird and for my brother.


Just wanted to share this with you and give you advice to NOT let unknown birds near you CAG's.{Feel-bad-00020072}

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Roxy is always outside het cage, she plays where she wants too. The little bird then climbed through the door and into Roxy's cage. We should have been more careful, or at least put the Lovebird into its cage.

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Guest Lidia

Ice, that's so sad. I'm sorry for the loss of the lovebird, especially for your brother.

It is the nature of the CAG to protect its territory (the cage), and no matter how much we want them to act like us, they can only be themselves.

Did the lovebird have a mate?

Don't beat yourself up too much about it, there but for pure luck go a lot of us.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/23 11:06

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Luckily the bird was still small, had no mate. I feel so guilty, I promised my brother I will help him to buy a sun conure whan they are ready in September.


Thanks you all for the support.;)

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Guest Lidia

Ice wrote:

I feel so guilty,


I hope you feel better soon, and remember that Roxie was just being a CAG, it's not her fault either.

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Ice, I'm so sorry. What a horrible experience for you to have to go through. But the others are right, Roxy was only doing what her instincts told her to, protect her home. It is a sad wake up call for us all.:(

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Ice - You have my condolences.


As Talon said, this is a wake up call for those of us that also have smaller Parrots to be VERY careful if we have them both out.


This post just changed how I perceived things would go between Dayo when he comes home for good and my Conure Jake.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/23 15:20

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Thanks again you all.


My brother feels better now, luckily he didn't have the bird for too long. Glad that I could warn you other guys and ladies about this danger.



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