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My grey sounds like....


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Hi Everybody,


Was listening to Kookie chat today and it just occured to me how some greys are able to immitate voices in a way that you wouldnt recognize if it is the human or the grey speaking.

My brothers grey Cookoo can immitate several voices so he can sound exacly like my brother, or like his wife , or like their friends...etc.

Kookie on te other hand can immitate me in few words, but mostly he says the words in a strange voice, sounding like a robot or like a rough mans voice. Hee even sings the words sometimes and combines them in a funny way. He mumbles long sentences, that are not clear, and he takes some words and says them in so many differnt voices and rhymes.


Would like to know who does your parrot sounds like? Can she or he immitate your voice , or he has his own voice?


It would be really interesting to get as many postings as possible

Preening_in_Front_of_Mirror.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: ranaz, at: 2009/11/20 13:17


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Charlie sounds like me but does sometimes talk in his own voice. He makes his own noises up as well as the normal household things. My Dad sometimes comes round to bird sit and Charlie sometimes talks just like my Dad.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/11/20 22:43

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My greys mainly talk in my husband Daves voice, even if its a word or sentence they have learnt from me.

Just recently though, my daughter has been talking to Charlie the eldest grey like something crossed between something off the Gremlins and the Grudge! He has picked this voice up really easy and it sounds really scary:ohmy:

They seem to love different accents and love when plenty of expression is included, it seems to make things more interesting for them.

It looks as though Daves voice is the favourite though and is what they all use.

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Alfie does have her own voice, but she also does mine and Davids. She will take stuff she's learned from either of us and say it in my, Davids or her own voice! She also whistles alot and makes up her own tunes, as well as ones she's learned from us!

Great photo btw! Thanks for sharing.

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Josey uses both mine and my hubby's voices, his is deeper than mine and usually what she copies of his is in his deeper tone.


Rana, I love that picture of Kookie, it looks like she is holding a mirror checking herself while she preens, thanks for sharing it with us.

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