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Pictures of my baby Timneh -link

Guest dividedstu

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Guest dividedstu

Hi again guys,


Thought I'd take a minute and put pictures up of my little Timneh as well as of my Greenwing.

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Guest dividedstu

Note to myself-oldmolly wants a Greenwing, oldmolly is a wise, knowledgable bird person with a good deal of experience, therefore a

Greenwing in oldmolly's opinion is a good and desired purchase. Woo hoo. :-)


Seriously though molly, I didn't start out saying I want this bird or that bird. I wanted birds that would be as good and as companionable as optimally possible. Not another bird for me for the forseeable future I think. How many birds is too many anyways? I feel like I have a responsibility and a duty to make their lives as good and as rewarding as possible. I don't want to be a 'collector' of birds just to have this rare bird or that rare bird or this pretty bird or that clever bird. But you know, I 'want' this bird and that bird too. You know what I mean? What's the balance Molly?

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Guest DjHarlequin

I'm not going to look at the pictures. I still haven't got my greenwing baby yet, and until I do, I refuse to look at pictures of others. It is like being on a diet and having someone show you photos of Belgian chocolates.

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Guest dividedstu

I think it's a good sign to wonder about the difference and seek to not become a 'collector' of birds simply for the sake of collecting. I know from reading here for some time that you do care very much for birds in general and your own birds in particular. I can see how in some ways the number of birds can grow simply because of the fact that you already have birds and find yourself as a qualified bird rescue person by default. I do spend a good deal of time in the little Bird

Shop and have seen instances where folks bring in a bird or three and someone who already has a number of birds takes the unwanted (but perfectly fine pets) birds home that day. Sort of a 'one more bird can't hurt' sort of rationale. A peson can find themselves with a growning family of birds without actively hunting that rarely seen bird on their wish list. Heck, the other day I saw a Moluccan and a

Greater Sulfur-both beautifully tame and talking pets go for free with huge cages, to two different homes simply because the owner had really fallen on hard times, had lost her house and was really in all sorts of financial trouble. She wanted the bird shop owner to find good people who were stable and had Cockatoo experience to place the birds with. Both folks refused to take the birds but instead said they'd hold them for the lady while she got back on her feet. -Good bird people indeed. The birds came back later to be weighed and checked and both were adjusting fine to their new homes. But the point is that your bird collection can keep growing even if you aren't becoming a collector.


I do hope that your future Greenwing baby comes along for you before too long. I know I wouldn't have even considered a Macaw if I wasn't there for it's weaning process. friend of

Timneh Grey

Greenwing Macaw


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Guest javacrypto

They're both lovely! I can't get past those Durante-like beaks on some of the macaws, they make me chuckle every time I look at them :). And I really do love those dark baby eyes on Aki. I didn't get my grey until he (he's really a she) was over 4 years old, so I missed that part; they're precious!

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