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How does he do it???


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I can't work it out, I left the house for work this morning and the floor was spotless, I returned at lunchtime to find a fresh birdy poo by the side of Beau's cage on the floor (carpet actually) now I've been sitting here trying to work out the scientific angles of Beau's botty in relation to the ground and I cannot work out how a poo can end up on the floor on the outside of his cage!?


Can any scientists/mathematitions/clever Richards (;-)) on here help with the mathematical aspects of my predicament? The best reply gets my karma for today. :P

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Lol I know how you feel, I think they like it all dirty and messy around them, I just like did a super cleaning job on my greys cage yesterday, and that includes the floor, and it already looks like a breed thousands of chickens or something in that one area of the house.


My answer is...They know how to aim their little poop shooter, and if you ask me they are very accurate, LOL! :woohoo: This is probably what they are thinking in their heads, "Ready.....Aim......FIRE!!!"<br><br>Post edited by: JungleDreamz, at: 2009/11/19 16:20

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As a child my grandmother had two plaques on the bathroom wall - one said: Mother aim's to please so please aim. Given that Beau knows you so well he was doing his best to keep his cage clean and aiming well!


I've seen Dixie do her little squat wiggle and completely miss the paper directly below her, to the right and left of her and target the carpet! She's good - let me tell you now - then she enjoys watching me get on my hands and knees to clean the spot, so much so she'll climb down the side of her cage and sit on my head while I'm doing this. What better way to get my attention.

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Oh they can aim real good believe me. Both of my fids poop in one spot in their cages. It all ends up in a large pile. I have no idea if they have talked this over or what but they do poop only in one place for which I am grateful.


Now what I really like is Ana Grey's outside the cage pottie places. If she is on one of my couches she will walk to the end and poop over the edge so that it hits the floor. I love this little girl!!!! She is so considerate! And she never poops on me personally. Good girl!

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Thanks for the replies, no mathematical answers here but JungleDreamz came the closest and so gets the karma - wish I could give you all karma but the powers that be won't allow it ;) Hmm let me see, maybe in 6 hrs from now :laugh:


Beau is a bottie wiggler too and is pretty good when out of his cage but in it he is a :evil: Argyle will purposely go in his cage if he is out and near the entrance but otherwise no. Thanks again guys.

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Kookie and since around 6 months, does not poop in his cage. He holds it until I get him out to his playtree, he would also do it on the floor on any of his play stands, but never in his cage...very clever, he even says big poop when he goes out to poop in the morning...

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This post has just gave me the giggles for the day. It reminds me of my son Gary. A couple of months ago he was standing with his back to the cage talking to me, and when he turned round to walk away he had poop all down the back of his pants, he said"how the hell did he manage to do that" I was in helpless fits of laughter.

Casper is also a botty wiggler, Nelson leans forward and makes a little grunting noise, which cracks me up.

Great thread, thanks for the laugh


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