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pair bonding


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I have a now three year old male and a ten year old female who have been housed together for about a year now. The female clearly wants to breed, but she doesn't let him near her. They generally do not fight, but on occasion the lunging and clicking gets going. My question is. Aside from seeing the male start to preen her and her tolerate it for about 10 seconds, will they bond eventually. I don't plan on seperating them, but I am reluctant to put a next box back on due to the males young age and no signs of bonding. My eclectus on took about 1 month to start feeding each other. How long could this take and when do I attempt to put the nest box back on? Note: The female did lay 4 infertile eggs and I let her abandon them after they didn't hatch for "practice".

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Welcome Parrotplaza!!


First, the male is not sexually mature and is not looking for a mate yet. If I read this right, they have been housed together since he was a 2 year old.


Sexual maturity in Greys normally happens between 5 and 7 years old.


One note: Just because you have a male and female caged together, does not mean they will decided to become a bonded pair.

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