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Dayo - Week 12


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We went for our weekly visit at the Breeders to see Dayo.


He was right at the front of the cage waiting in expectation as soon as we walked in :woohoo:


They let us bring him home to start getting used to a travel cage, car ride , his new home, surroundings and Cage :-)


We and He enjoyed this time immensely. I was shocked at how well he took this major change in venue and was just happy to explore everything wholeheartedly!


He is fledging and once when I walked from our Family room into the Kitchen (Straight shot for a flying path) I heard a mad beating of wings just in time to see Dayo come to a fairly good landing at my feet :-).


He explored his cage, with no apparent concern for the toys and other fixtures I had already placed in it. He Climbed around, rang a few bells and sat in a stainless cup after giving it a good shaking test for stability.


Once he got bored, he tried to fly out from the back of the cage through the front door, which isn't quite wide enough for his wings, so he tried to land on the door ledge, missed a little, but saved himself by a good, one point Beak landing :-)


WE had all kinds of good food for him to sample and I must say the grapes were his passion, then some apple, then carrot, didn't touch the Broccoli and ate quite a bit of the 7 bean and vegetable cooked mixed with some seeds mixed in afterwards.


So, it was hard to take him home ;-( but we knew we had to. He did not drink any water at all and of course it seemed he was eating large volumes of food to us, but the Breeder checked his crop (Now we know where and how to do this) and said it was barely containing any food.


So it was an exciting and fun filled afternoon with Dayo that we and He enjoyed immensely with him falling a sleep on the floor and blanket between my wife and I :-) we knew it was time to take him home when he woke up after a cat nap.


Here's one Photo of him and I have placed a couple of other links to photobucket if you are interesting in seeing more of week 12.










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I'm so happy the visit went well, he will have no problem when you actually get to bring him home to stay. Ane he is already taken with the two of you so you have it made. Good pictures of him too.


Kim might want to keep them fingernails away from him, mine aren't as long but Josey tries to chew them off every chance she gets.:laugh:

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Guest briansmum

he's lovely, his feathers look very well grown in for 12 weeks, by that i mean he doesn't seem to have much baby fluffy poking out and his neck feathers look quite think. he looks very happy in his soon to be new home. how long until you can bring him home for good? i bet you can't wait

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Yes Judy, He does try to take my nails off. I plan to have them shortened a bit this next week. HaHa, like Dayo, he had his nails shortened last week.


I really love him already, and I couldn't help but give him kisses. Yes CD, I kissed him all over his head and beak. Dayo puts his head against my chin now, and just stays that way for many wonderful moments. He is very affectionate to me.


I got absolutely NOTHING done in the house yesterday. Now today I have to do it all, ugh! {Feel-bad-00020072}

It was worth it.

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Dan, looks like he can't wait to come home! How lucky you are, to be able to take him home for visits. It will be so much easier for him when he comes home for good! How much longer do you have to wait? I'm getting anxious for you! :woohoo:

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Thanks for all the comments Folks!


Talon and Beccy - The Breeder will not let any go until they are fully weaned, maintaining their own weight and of course drinking water. Of course I agree that this is important and I would not want Dayo ever be put at risk.


So the estimate is around 2 to 3 more weeks :-(


But, at least we have away time visiting privileges :woohoo: Is this common for a Breeder to do if you live in the same town?


Talon - Thanks for being anxious for me. I sure have plenty of that to spread around :woohoo:

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I've never heard of it, but we don't have any breeders around here. I'm interested to hear if that's the norm.

I can't wait until the day comes and you get that phone call, please let us know as soon as that happens!:woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/07/22 22:44

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