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I have a suprize for you all!!!


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This is Chatot its pronouced (Chay-toe) and he is the most beautiful baby Green wing in the world and he's mine he's 17 months old and I brought him home yesterday. I been going crazy with excitement for the last 2 weeks but I wanted to suprize you all. Here he is my huge beautiful Green wing Macaw


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A friend of mine emailed me and she had a friend that had Chatot I think she was afraid of him or at least very intimadated by his size anyway she hadn't had him very long and she wanted to find him a home This bird was breed by one of the most respected breeders in BC if not Canada and I've spoke to his breeder on the phone about him he was the biggestand smartest out of a Clutch of 3 and was with him for quite a few months after he was weaned. I know many of this birds older siblings from different clutches over the years. He's a very prized bird indeed. any way she offered him to me for such a good deal I couldn't say no. I wouldn't have a hope of ever being able tobuy one from his breeder he gets a fortune for his birds. anyway he's now mine l His breeder said he was hatched somwhere around June 2008 he going to send me his hatch date by email his previous owner apperantly lost all his paper work when she move to Kitamat. anyway thats the story he charges 4500 dollars for his birds. I got Chatot for 1/3 that price how could I posibly turn him down he's simply stunning and boy he makes Darius look small.

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Oh my gosh Pat, how in the world did you keep that a secret, so thats why you haven't been on much lately, now we know.


Chatot is a gorgeous bird, you lucky woman, I don't know how you find the time for all these birds but you manage, what a beautiful bird, you have hit the jackpot with this one, thanks for sharing him with us.

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Oh Pat Chatot is beautiful!! What a wonderful surprise!!! I too was starting to worry about you and now am so happy that it was a good quiet time from Pat. I can't wait to hear more about Chatot and hear how he and your other flock member interact with each other!!!! Congratulations!!!!!

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WOW Pat what a stunning Greenwing you have there! I look after 2 breeder Greenwings at work and let me tell you they are just the most gorgeous birds in the world. SO majestic! He really is a stunner Pat, congratulations and I can't wait to here more about Chatot!

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devonanno wrote:

thankx , u gave good directions =)

wow,hes soo red he's glowing,i need shades B)


Your right he almost does glow he such a deep red colour he's almost Magenta I know Green wings are supposed to be red but purple is a bird of a differeny colour. He almost looks like he's a colour mutation but he came from 2 normal very beautiful Green wings. His Breeder said he had a very hard time giving him up and almost kept him.He had him for almost a year. I feel so lucky to have him.

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OMG Pat. That is one stunner of a bird.No way could I have kept that a secret. I would be shouting from the roof tops. That colour is unbelievable.You are so lucky to have such a bird but them he is even more lucky to have you as his mum.

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devonanno wrote:

no way {Feel-good-000200A2} i thought it was mostly the pic making him look purplish,is he really much deeper than normal? =D


yes it is partialy from the flash but he is really a deep red much more than a lot of green wings he is magmifaceint and at 1650 grams he's ome huge bird whem he opens those wings to give them a streach its incredible I'd have to have a double wide cage if he had to spend any amout of time in it. thank goodness I'm home the majority of the time I only work three nights a week and only 6 hour shifts from 5pm til 11pm so the longest he's ever in his cage is 3 hours before bed time and most of the time he doesn't have to go in his cage even when I'm working because my daughter is home and she can put the birds to bed. I live in the middle of nowhere so there isn't much todo way out here so she is home most of the time. Sometimes on Saturday night she will come with me so she can hang out in town with her friends while I'm at work they have kariioke at the comunity hall in the nearest town where I work so she likes to go to that with her friends

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Thanks for that happy surprise, I really needed one today. I don't know how you do it all, my two little birds are keeping me hopping. I know your birds are happy, healthy and well tended, this couldn't have happened to a better person for you to be given this opportunity to enjoy the company of such a splendid boy. Congratulations.

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Chatot is doing wonderful boy he sure can eat he eats 3 big bowls of fruits and veggis a day plus 8to 10 different nuts a few pellets and what ever I make for dinner LOL I can't believe how sweet he is he is just a baby and acts like one his previous owner said I should wear gloves to handle him until he get used to melol I've never worn gloves in my life with a bird and i wasn't about to start with him she also said he was a screamer. he obviously was a very unhappy bird when he was there. because he chats up a storm but he doesn't scream he steps up beautifully and just love his scritches I spent an hour or so last night pinching the tips of all the pin feathers on his neck and head poor baby had a million of them he laid in my lap and closed his eyes and just enjoyed every moment. I talk to his breeder via Email last night also and told him what a wonderful job he did with Chatot he said he almost kept him he said he had him for almost a year and it was very hard to give him up. he said it broke his heart when his previous owner told him that he had started screaming he said that he didn't think they new how to handle him at all and where intimadated by his size. I totally agree because everytime she emailed me she made refrance to how huge he was. his breeder is just so happy that he is now with me and that chatot is getting the proper care and love that he needs.Heres a picture of him and tyco about 3 feet apart from each other. I think Tyco likes him.


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Wow, compared to Tyco, Chatot looks like the gentle giant. What a difference in size!!! Chatot is gorgeous and I am so envious of you Pat, you have some spectacular parrots. Both Chatot and Darius are much too much bird for me and I totally respect what a wonderful parront you are Pat to these magnificent creatures! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and your gentle big birds with us!!

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Char wrote:

He is beautiful! It is official, no doubt about it..you have MBS.


hahaha you just finding that out now I've known that for years. its not as bad a s all that though I still only have 6 birds at home. Sprout my GCC and Raja My Irn went to live with my daughter because both of them where very bonded to her so when she moved she asked if she could have them and I said yes because they would have been very unhappy without her. So I only have 6 birds. I know allot of people with alot more than that. I have Fergie Tyco Adaya Jeepers Darius and Chatot. just the right amount.

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she wrote:

Great picture Pat,Tyco looks tiny , it really shows Chatots size.


considering Tyco is no small bird he is a very big Grey at 580gr Chatot makes Darius look small Chatot is huge he's as big a a Hyacinth he eats 3 bowls of fresh fruits and veggies a day plus 10 different nuts, people food, dried fruit and seed mix, and a few pellets he is a very big boy.

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