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Hi, my CAG is 16 months old, and he makes me smile and laugh every single day! He brings a LOT of conversation and laughter to our home that's already filled to the maximum capacity with kids, dogs, and other birds. I worried that getting a CAG while still having relatively small kids might be a mistake...but he's brought a lot of joy to our home. He started talking right before his 1st birthday, and from then on we find we're always amazed by the things he is saying. He is the first 'person' to greet me every single morning (and I am NOT a morning person, but he made me like mornings!) with a chipper, enthusiastic "HEL-LOOO" and "Are you happy?" that brightens my mood from the start. I find myself saying, "Yes, I am happy" and MEANING it, for the first time in ages. I lost my mom some time back....and for a very long time, I've felt very alone without her. Then my kids were all in school, and I was home alone, with no one to talk to for 6-7 hours every day. Then we got Dodo (don't ask me why the hubby and kids wanted to name him that....the little ones always called the seagulls in Florida Dodo birds, and when they saw our baby CAG for the first time, Dodo is all they'd ever say! So he picked up on it and says Dodo constantly now. LOL He means so much to me and to our family, and I can't imagine not having him. :P

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Dixie is my first grey and the biggest thrill I have so far is hearing the progress in her speech. She was 14 months old when I got her (now 20 months) and her vocabulary is around 75 words and phrases. She was clipped and I am anxiously awaiting those new flights to come in (I can see a few already). The companionship she brings is amazing, not just to myself, but my entire family.


Beau is my 4 1/2 month old little boy grey and he's been through h*ll and back already, but seeing him progress from a bare breasted, completely butchered wing to a fuzzy chested little guy with 3 new feathers on his wing makes my day. His determination to thrive and his cuddliness is what makes all the effort to keep him going worth it all. Even my mother and father come over routinely to check on his progress.

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Phoenix was taken in 11 years ago by my partner. Many bites and much training later, except for the winter time when his hormones goes insane, he's a loving little guy who is extremely social but very quiet.


Talula has lived with us 4 months and she is a plucker who seems to have mostly stopped pulling whole feathers but still shreads them while preening. She has a cage that is nearly 3x the size of the one she had been living in for the past 4-8 years. She could not step up on a hand when we got her, but she does now.


To my surprise she's been biting everyone but me lately, so I guess we're finally bonding. I cannot hold her on her back, and I barely can pet her, she lets me rub her beak and I can hold her.


She's very clumsy, she has fallen off her cage a time or two...usually trying to climb over onto the food shelf... silly parrot.


I hope that Talula continues to build her vocabulary and leg muscles (it's sad to see that she can't swing across the doorway of her cage by her beak like phoenix can). I hope that she becomes more trusting in time.

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With Charlie my grey success has come quite easy,I have had no major problems with him. Cracker my cockatiel is another story. He came to me as a 4 week old chick unweaned and very scrawney.It took a lot of time patiance and dedication to get him up to scratch. Then came the biggest challenge. He got metal poison and it took all my vets knowledge and determination to save him.He was only 4 months old when this happened , It took a few months of special care and lots of help and advise from the vet who was always available for us.Cracker is now almost 3 years old and shows no sign of his rough start in life.He can be a little agressive for a hand reared tiel but I put this down to having been prodded and poked with needles so much when he was ill.He is my little survivor .

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Rudy is my 6 and a half month old Tag and I have hand fed her since she was 10 weeks old and she is still takeing a night feeding , she has also decided Opey my Qauker is her best biride friend lol she loves to hang out with Opey and play with his toys and eat his food which he doesn't mind at all and they just love preening each other , she is starting to make all kind of whistle sounds and little noises , I think she will be talking soon ,I dearly love my little girl , she is the only girl Opey and KC my Eclectus are both males

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I was a member here before I got Ana Grey so she has been absolutely no problem. She is a quiet loving grey. Now my Sully is a re-homed male Eclectus that no one wanted because he was a screamer and terrible plucker. He bites those he doesn't like. He does tolerate me though and has stopped screaming and plucking. He is a laid back ekkie who prefers to sit in his cage or in his travel cage in my office. I don't know how old he is because he was a rescue about 8 year ago when he was found in a car wash totally plucked and turned over to the local pet shop. He and I have been buds since May and I have high hopes that he will become fully feathered again and want to come out and play.

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