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Regurgitating? Or Sick?


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Last night, as well as tonight (right now actually) Yoshi has been doing a lot of 'head bobbing' and then little bits of food come to her mouth...


Sometimes this happens when she is on my hand and stuff, and I thought of it as regurgitating... but like right now she is on her stand a couple feet away doing it and a small slimy piece of walnut came outta her mouth... I got worried and have given her some water and she seems back to normal... but already has bits of stuff coming back up... I can see/hear her chewing on it from time to time...


I'm starting to worry, so I thought I'd better ask...?

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Best advice I can give - keep her hydrated and call the vet in the morning. Call first and talk with them since it may not be sick, it may be she loves you, digested a piece of walnut that was too large, or there really may be something wrong. My vet always prefers a call when there is the possibility of illness or injury prior to bringing in due to the stress put on our birds in transport. While they may be used to traveling with us on a daily basis, your stress level will be transferred.


Stay as calm as possible, watch her carefully and keep her hydrated, and call the vet.

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Maybe because of what I went through, my heart nearly stops when I hear of a bird being sick.


Please keep her warm. Ensure that she is hydrated. Is she drinking water? How are the droppings? Is she feeding?


If she is not drinking water you might have to make her drink. Ask your vet how exactly to give her water.


If possible check her crop to see if there is any food accumulated there.


Get her to an avian vet as soon as possible.


Please update us. I will be anxious till we hear from you.


I wish Yoshi recovers soon.

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Looks like last night, Yoshi threw up almost all her dinner... there are bits of orangish food in piles about 6 poops' worth (couldn't think of a better way to describe it) :(


Yet this morning she is eating and drinking and being

her happy self...


So I called a vet, who told me that she probably felt she needed to feed us... that it is breeding season and it is probably nothing if she is already eating and drinking again... she told us to bring her in if it happens 'too much.'


I hope my little Yoshi is better!

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