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Flying because she loves it SO much!


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Emma has been able to fly for quite a while but really didn't seem to mind letting me move her from point A to B most of the time.


This weekend all of a sudden... I feel that I've been having a flying show in my home. Suddely something has become unleashed in Emma and she wants to fly all the time.:woohoo: She seems to be enjoying herself immensely and not only to get from point A to point B but for the sheer pleasure of flying. :side:



I think I blame all of this on Sachi and I think that Sachi may be in for a little payback from Emma for being a little instigator all of these months. :P


Being a parrot owner has all of a sudden become alot more interesting to say the very least.


All weekend I've had to deal with 2 parrots flying towards me simultaneously and it's been quite an experience.



Both parrots have been zooming all over the place. Now I have 2 jet fighter parrots... I'm going to have to rethink my floor plan I think.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/11/16 01:18

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I think right now I am going through my own adaptation period.:P


This morning it has been quite evident that Emma has not forgotten how much joy her wings can give to her. She comes to land on me whenever she pleases and she has been flying in circles just because it is fun to do so. I have been running around like a mad woman this morning because I have 2 parrots flying in different directions and I have to go see what they may have gotten themselves in to and now nobody stays in one place for very long.:silly:


Anyone else here with the same situation?:lol:

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lovethatgrey wrote:

I have been running around like a mad woman this morning because I have 2 parrots flying in different directions and I have to go see what they may have gotten themselves in to and now nobody stays in one place for very long.:silly:


Yes, same here.


But, to keep my two from going anywhere in the house. We close bedroom doors and keep all other rooms dark by closing blinds etc. They may start to fly into another room, but when it's fairly dark, they just do a circle and come right back where we are.


You may not be able to do this. But thought I would mention it. :-)

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Thanks Dan. I learned very quickly this morning to keep my bedroom door closed. It seems that the easy street days of being a parrot owner are gone forever. :blink:


Everything is fair game for them now. Neither Sachi or Emma is passive anymore and I've got to rethink my structure and game plan.:blush:<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/11/16 15:54

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{Feel-good-00020114}Eesh! There is something very heartwarming about seeing Emma display so much joy in flying but on the other hand....Luvparrots..not sure if your Sully can fly but it sure is something to have two parrots zoom past you simultaneously and quite often in different directions.


For you Harry Potter fans out there... it feels a bit like I'm standing in the middle of a quidditch game and the only options that I have is to stay put or duck.:silly: :silly: :silly:


All of us sudden I am on constant alert for the sound of wing flapping behind me.:silly:<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/11/17 04:31

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No Sully can't fly. I believe the last time he flew was when they found him over 8 years ago in the carwash. The pet shop owner clips all her birds so she probably clipped Sully soon after she caught him. But he will get he chance to fly again, I promise that if he can, he will. He has lost some clipped feathers but I have not seen him try to fly yet. But one day he will, I just know it!

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It is special with 2 brids flying around at the same time. Ours love to chase each other around the house and Kea sometimes likes to dive bomb me. Other times they fly so low over my head and run their feet through my hair as they pass by.


The best is that we can all have races around the house to see who can get from the living room to the kicthen first. It's so funny to run and hear 2 birds right on your heels ready to land on you.

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That is funny! Jane08 my b&g buzzes us all the time, I'm waiting for his feet to get tangled in my hair one time and then he will come to an abrupt halt! They are soo funny! We have our blue and gold, my TAG and we purchased a caique a few months ago. All can fly. Now you want to talk about crazy, when all three get going just for the joy of flying, it is insane in our house. I will say though, that they will leave the room we are in, but only for a short period of time, they much prefer to be with the whole family. It sure is fun to watch them fly though. Finnigan, my tag, likes to screech at the top of her lungs while flying for fun, it sounds like she is very frightened, but she isn't...the other day, the caique joined in the flying fray and started screeching...I was LMAO!!!

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Guess I'll be saving this page for insight soon myself - while neither of my greys are flighted yet - Dixie has now gained 5 flight feathers (I was surprised she let me count them) and Beau's right wing is starting to grow back. I'm already accustomed to the sound of flapping wings and waiting for the landing with Blue (fortunately a long clip only). He's quick to go where ever he wants to but fortunately he stays in my office with me.

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Well.. here you goes guys. She loves to fly and she loves being with me. Now she can be with me when ever she chooses too. Not sure if that's a good thing.:P


I have no problem getting Emma to fly to me. For some reason .. I thought it would be alot more difficult.




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh4Gqtcr17A<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/11/17 18:09

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You guys are very correct. Emma is very quick and truly having a very fun time flying.


All of a sudden she has discovered a new favourite pastime. Sort of makes me wish I had an outdoor aviary the size of a ware house.


If I place her in one spot and then run to the other end of the room… she always beats me to it. There's no point racing against my parrots. … I think they'll always get there faster. :)<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/11/18 19:49

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Isn't it just a joy to have flighted birds Adaya loves it when She can follow me all over the house Fergie can be a total little brat if I don't watch her when she leaves the room. Tycos just a social buterfly she can't goto far so when she flys its usually just over to Fergies cage Fergie doesn't mind most of the time but she always has to let me know that Tycos on her cage again with a semi loud vocalization. thank goodness there isn't enough room for the Macaws to fly far but darius does do his share of walking around the house. I wouldn't have it any other way though the birds are so happy when they have their wings and if they are happy I'm happy

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wow! What a busy parront you are!!! Love the you tube videos!


both my birds are just clumsy, clumsy, clumsy! Jasper just flys to the floor and walks over to me. My other bird, Bella, tried to fly at me the other, freaked me out and she did a crash landing.

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