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You know you are a little bird obsessed when... :P


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So today I've been thinking, and thought I'd start this and see what people have to say :P Lol, I know some of my friends think I'm 'bird obsessed' and I only have 1 now!


So here goes it:


I know I'm bird obsessed because I can sit and watch my bird forever, getting into things and being goofy. Today in the kitchen I watched her for 15 minutes as she tried to figure out how we make water come out of the facet, trying to grab it with her beak and throwing water everywhere.


I know I'm bird obsessed because I love visiting bird stores, even when I know we don't need anything. I visited a new store today just to play with the birds and talk to the fellow obsessed store owner with over 20 birds of her own!


Finally for now, I know I'm obsessed with my baby because I can't get enough of this forum! I love hearing new stuff about everyone's Greys and getting ideas to try with my baby!

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...even tho Alfie prefers my fance - won't look at me when he's in the room, bites me when she's in that mood, is the messiest little critter I ever came across, not content with just dropping food off the edge of her bowl - she actually throws it! And I love her to bits!


particle77 wrote:

When you start looking at floor plans for new apartments, even though you HATE moving, because maybe if the furniture was arranged just right you could fit that 8ft. diameter walk-in aviary you saw online into that apartment...


Lol - this takes obsession to new limits!


Great thread - it has the potential to be very entertaining! Thanks for starting it!


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Uh oh, it seems like all the obsessions are rolled into one for me. Hopefully it is because Juno is so new and we waited so long. Yesterday I bought a pomegranite and fresh figs even though I have been thoroughly warned it will make a BIG mess. In a week, the toy cupboard is empty, he has three cages now and a mammoth tree. Please tell me this will fade in time and become more reasonable.

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Janfromboone wrote:



...when you find yourself answering your friends with your birds favorite sayings and with his same expression and delivery. This really happens. I hear my birds words when I talk. Am I OK??


Haha Jan, yes I've noticed that too! You get funny looks but just act like it's perfectly normal! Which it is of course!!

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