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New Grey Owner for 2nd Time


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Hello all...we brought home our 2nd AG yesterday...4 months old...we added her to our 6 month old AG Wyatt...Wyatt was hesitant at first showing the new bird what was his...which is everything. Hung out with them most of yesterday....they did very well. We were content with taking it slow with them, but they started getting along just fine from the beginning (aside from the display of ownership of everything!) They were able to sleep in same cage and are content to sit on same perch.


We love our new family additions and are glad we brought the new addition home while Wyatt is still young. We have named the new baby, Josephine, or Josie for short...Wyatt and Josie Chirp;) We're old west fans..We will post pics as soon as we get them on computer.

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Congrats Js on your new grey but I must caution you that each bird should have their own cage, even though they get along and play together, when it comes time to go to the cage for the night they should be separate. This will become more apparent when they get older and more independent, they like to have a cage they can call their own, their safe place.


I love the name Josie, my grey is named Josey, just spelled differently, I look forward to seeing some pics when you get the chance.

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I appreciate the helpful advice...Maybe a second cage in the future. Have to do some room rearranging in order to fit a 2nd cage. Right now, they are in the kitchen but not enough room in there for a 2nd cage. We will see how things go...they did great last night.

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I think I got this to work...hopefully...My little girl and my wife decided they liked the name Fergie for our new addition as opposed to Josie. Both are good names, but my little angel likes Fergie! So we now have Wyatt and Fergie...


Fergie on the left...4 months

Wyatt on the right...6 months


I will post more later...hope this worked



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