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We are going away for a weeks holiday in Norfolk, but without our pattot. Our neughbour has a grey aswell and is willing to look after Polly for us until we return. But is it best for her to stay here in the house or to go into the home of our neighbour?


Our neighbours will visit reguliary and leave the TV on for Polly when she isn't here.


We are trying to find the best possible way in which not to stress her and make her pluck.

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Will she be able to have any out of cage time if she's left home? I think that's important for her. How does she interact with them, is she nervous, or comfortable with them if she were to stay home?

I'm sure others here will have advice for you and your situation.

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I would suggest you let your neighbor take her into their home, but maybe put her into another room where she won't be close to the other one, kind of like quaranted. Somewhere she will still be part of the action so she will have company and interaction with your neighbors. That way if something should happen, heaven forbid but things do happen sometimes, they will be there for assistance. This is what I would do, but some of the others may have a different opinion, but I am sure you will hear from them if they do.:)

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Guest Lidia

I don't think the territory issue will arise for her as she won't be protecting her cage. I think it would be safe to let them stay in the same room (not the same cage), but supervised when they're out. Just because you never know what could happen. Definitely don't let one stand on the other's cage while they're in it, that would be a declaration of war and toes would be bitten off!

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Right on, Michael, you don't put a new bird in close proximity to another bird for that very reason, But didn't she say that they have already been together and get along well, in that case they have already been exposed to anything either of them may be carrying so it would probably be safe to put them in the same room.

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Guest Monique

I would keep her in your home and have them care for her there. That allows her only one stressor - the absence of you and the presence of them (if she is not used to them). As a wild bird staying safe is there first perogative and then entertainment. If she doesn't feel safe due to being in an odd place it's not going to give her entertainment to have the extra interaction ... if that makes sense? Good luck w/your decision!!

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I would leave her at home also. Parrots do stress when their owners are away and this well help her/him.

Maybe when you get back you can arrange some sleep overs so the next time you go away she can stay there.

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