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It was this week last year.....


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Spiky my cockatiel was 17 in October 2008. Pretty great life eh? It was this time last year I had him at the vets for the first time as I was worried about his feet. They had become lumpy and knotty and my vet told me his kidneys were failing - it was a build up of calcium in his bones - but he wasn't in pain and that I should make him comfortable.


The next 9 weeks consisted last year of getting up in the middle of the night to make sure he'd had a drink and to make sure that he was comfortable (he wasn't moving round the cage at all and stayed on his perch). We'd moved him out of his normal place in the hall into the living room - which as a houseproud person looked so wrong, as the cage was in the middle of the room, but he was my little pal and I loved him.


Luckily, my step son does long days at college and so is in the house two out of the five working days and kept an eye on him too.


This has just been brought back to me as I've been emptying my receipts and found one for 13 November 2008 - his first visit to the vets. I helped him, finally, over rainbow bridge on 16 January 2008. He'd had a great life though - 17 years old!

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Thanks for sharing Spiky with us Jill. While it is sad for those of us who miss them dearly, I like to think of our pets who have gone on ahead of us as living happily on a lark watching over us. He had a charmed life, was well loved and paved the way for Harvey by helping you get over that perfect house business. LOL. I didn't need much encouragement to stop and enjoy the day instead of cleaning and getting ready for the next one.

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  • 2 months later...

Today was the day a year ago when I helped him over rainbow bridge. I had to do it, I couldn't see him suffer. Suffer he would have done though if I'd left him in the squalor I found him in, with his previous owners ~ but he had a long, happy life which sadly ended, but paved the way for Harvey.


I have a lot to thank Spiky for too - had he not left me, I would never have found all of my friends here. So, I might have lost one very good little pal - but I made so many more due to him. :)

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I know you loved Spikey Jill because you talk of him often and if we know then he must have known it too. It must have been agonising for you to make that decision to help end his pain but you did so in his best interests and because of that decision he now flies free. Bless you Jill and bless Harvey too.

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