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A two year old Grey, rehomed.


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Hello. Last Friday, we brought home Baby (CAG) He'll be 2 on Dec 14.


His previous owner was not able to take Baby out of the cage with out using a stick (an old perch from his old cage) for him to step up on first. She couldn't use her hand.


He is trained to step up. Will it ever be possible to be able to have Baby step up from cage to hand, without using the stick?


Being that it's early in our relationship, he's not thrilled about us even approaching him with the stick (even though it's the one he's been familiar with.) He doesn't seem aggressive, but he bites at the stick and nudges it with his beak. He will try to snap/nip if we approach him with our hands. He does come out of his cage on his own terms (without any assistance) but we he is still stubborn about being removed from his cage whether he's inside or outside.


He's also going for his well visit and going to the groomer for his upkeep. We're brining him to new places as his original vet/groomer is too far away. What should I expect in terms of Baby's reaction? Also, will he be mad at me for taking him to the vet/groomer? If yes, for how long?

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Hi there,

Welcome to you both!

With regards to stepping up, it is still very early days and I think it's important for you not to crowd or push him. Give him plenty of time to settle in and let him come to you rather than force him to step up when he's clearly (and I believe, very politely, with the stick nudging!) telling you he does not want to. Just sit with him quietly until he get's to know you, and his natural curiosity will bring him closer!!

As for the vet, I had my grey to the vet several times over the summer, for all sorts of prodding and poking, and she didn't hold it against me!:)

Hope this helps.

Looking forward to hearing more about the two of you - and some pictures would be nice if you have any to share?


Lyn & Alfie


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Hi CuteMandaPanda (what a great name)! I totally agree with Lyn - it's very early days for you and your baby and he has obviously grown into the habits you describe with his previous owners.


It's frustrating when things don't go your way and they don't want to be your friend straight off - you expect them to, I know, just like a puppy or cat and their level of acceptance.


Time and patience is of the essence. It might take a little time for him to share his world with you - but when that moment arrives you will be the proudest parront in the world. Karma to you for rehoming a grey xx

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As you have not even had this grey for even a week it is too soon to expect him to accept you, give him some more time and don't rush him, he will come around when he feels comfortable. He feels more comfortable around or in his cage, that is his safety zone.


Continue to talk to him, include him in on things going on around him, give him treats, it just takes time to gain his trust and he may surprise you and step up one day on your hand.


Most avain vets will do what they have to to the bird themselves without your help so you can be the one who "saves" them from the mean old nasty person who poked and prodded them, my grey is fine as soon as we leave the office.

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Given that he's 2 yrs old, was owned by others, you'll need to find out whether you have the type of bird that will tolerate having a person sticking their hand in the cage be it with the hand or stick. Many greys and other species of parrots don't want their inside area being invaded by a hand or stick. Some will bite or squawk or run to the farthest part of the cage. It's nothing to worry abnout if he turns out to be a bird that wants his safety zone to remain that way. It's not uncommon and it also happens to people who are the first owners of a bird be it an very young bird ( 4 or 5 mts old) or an older bird and most people have to accept those habits. That learning process with your new bird may take some time and no matter what the final result is, it's nothing to be concerned about. It's simply the bird's personality.

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I have a 10 year old female plucker who has lived with me 4 months now.


By the end of the first month she was starting to step up on a covered arm (similar family history as yours) and by the end of the second month I'd gotten her to trust my hand (but not necessarily others).


It takes time. Leave the door open, let him come out on his accord. They like feeling as if they made a choice, a decision, in any matter. So opening the door and walking away lets him decide if he wants to come out. Doing this will lead to "come pick me up" and you may see an offered foot one day.


Remember to be sweet talking, and don't be afraid of the inevitable bite.

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Thanks for the warm welcome friends!! Baby and I appreciate it.


He seems comfortable, more so than I expected. He eats up a storm. I'm pretty sure his "before-mommy" didn't really feed him many people foods, so he's living like a King trying new things. He LOVES apples, grapes, and peanuts. We are limiting peanuts to being used just as treats. Is it alright for him to have apples and grapes regularly. He seems to enjoy salads. Not sure about how he feels about carrots. Didn't seem to be a fan of spinach. I think he's beginning to enjoy having scrambled eggs/shells.


He talks to me a lot when I leave the room. He's not talking to my husband at all. He does whistle for him. Baby will give me kisses when I ask (if he's feeling talkative) I love that! Actually, he just started talking to me and blowing kisses now. When I leave the room, he can still see me in the kitchen and he gets on his sleepy perch because it's the highest point that allows him to have his eye on me. He puts his wings out, which I read is an indication that he wants to be included with what I'm doing. However, if I open the cage he doesn't come out and chooses to sit on his sleepy perch and continue watching.


He's very intrigued by both of us. He's centrally located and can see us even when we leave the room.


Pics soon to come!


Talk to you again soon.

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Congratulations on re-homing a Grey and kudos to you for doing so. :-)


What a wonderful update on him. He sounds like he is enjoying the new home and flock.


It would not hurt anything just to leave his cage door open when your in eye contact and he will eventually venture out on his own as he is already showing interest in what your doing and where you are.


Apples and grapes are fine, just in small quantities. They do love them and you can use them as rewards also.


It sounds like you are providing him with a wonderful diet of items he has not experienced previously and he's enjoying it immensely.


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing those photos.

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Good to hear he's "keeping an eye on you" when you leave the room - he's definitely warming to you!

On the subject of food, there are some you absolutely need to avoid, if this is your first grey, you may not know them.

Here is a link of the foods you MUST avoid;~




And a list of safe foods;~




This site is a wealth of information so don't be shy to trawl through recent posts, or just ask if there's anything you want to know!;)



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Hi friends. I hope my link to Baby Boy's photo album works.


Today is his first full week in his new home.


Daddy and Mommy work different shifts, so Baby spends the morning with me and the evening with Daddy. He has breakfast with me, and dinner with daddy. The weekends he will get a good dose of both of us!


I have a few minutes to spare while he eats his breakfast and before I leave for work. He's enjoying a small amount of grapes, apples, carrots, oranges, pureed pumpkin, a drizzle of strawberry yogurt, and a few shreds of cheese. He tasted a pickle today not sure how he felt about that. He'll have that to munch on, pellets, fresh water, and right before I leave I place his seed in his cage. Currently, he only gets seed mix when we are not home. He has access to pellets, water, and fresh food all day long. When his daddy comes home he gets dinner! He is always wiping off his beak against his dishes or perches. His pellets are a mix of Harrison's and a non-organic pellet. He's not interested in Harrison's, but he loves the colorful pellets! I guess that's better than nothing. He has no hesitation taking food from our hands or a spoon.


He's still talking a lot, but I am not noticing any new words or phrases. He makes lots of sounds and whistles. He prefers to eat while someone is in the room. If someone leaves the room, he stops eating to watch what's going on. I love when I wake up in the morning and I hear him downstairs talking to himself.


He preens a lot! I hope he's not overpreening? He's not plucking, as I do not find feathers. How would I know if he's chewing? Although, I don't think he is? His "before-mommy" used to bathe him in the bathtub. I think he would like that but not until he's ready to come out of his cage and leave the cage. I guess until then, we need to buy a spray bottle. He has taken one bath in his fresh water dish, that was over the weekend. It was the cutest thing. If he has taken more baths, he didn't do it in front of us. "Before-mommy" said that he's a pre-madonna and won't bathe in his cage so we're wondering if his "in-cage" bath was just a fluke or out of desperation?


Daddy says he comes right out of his cage when it's unlocked. He's only come out of the cage once for me. Daddy says when he lets him take him off his cage by the stick he places him on the floor right away and practices step up onto his hand from the floor. That's the only time he lets you get your hand near him without nipping/biting. I haven't gotten to do any step up exercises with him yet.


My husband will start remodeling the dining room and turning it into our new kitchen tonight. It's the next room past the living room, and the living room is where Baby lives. Do you have any opinion on precautions we should take with him? Is he going to be ok? Or should we try putting him in a travel cage and relocating him to the upstairs during construction? My husband is primarily concerned about possible dust as he will be cutting wood, etc?


I guess that's enough for now!


Have a great day to everyone and their fids!


Talk again soon.

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I meant to add. Tomorrow is his vet visit at 9 am. Any suggestions for getting him out of his cage and to his cat carrier, as he doesn't come out of his cage on command. I think we'll get lucky if we wake up early and he comes out of his cage on his own, then we have more of a chance of getting him on the stick. But if not? Then what?

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Hi friends!


Today was Baby's visit to the vet. He was stubborn about coming out of his cage. We tried many ways to entice and bribe him out. He weaseled part of the way out and they he'd scurry right back into his cage. Eventually, I resorted to trying to retrieve him by the stick. He also wanted no part of that. Finally, we attempted the towel idea. It was the first and only thing that got him screaming the same way he screamed the first day we brought him home. He fluttered around his cage. It wasn't a success. I guess after he was freaked out by the towel idea the stick seemed more appealing to him, as he finally stepped up. We interacted with him a little before placing him in the cat carrier. He goes in the cat carrier without a problem.


The vet visit also went well. They said he's in good health, and all checked out. Good bill of health =) He did get the towel in the vets office and he sure did scream, but he succumbed and stopped screaming. The Dr. was really good with him and answered every one of our questions. She also said he's very well socialized, thank goodness. She said he's definitely a well tempered boy and his displays of behavior at the vet was to be expected.


Our second stop on the way home was to the groomer. He got his wings clipped, nails trimmed, and his beak filed. He's good to go...


But definitely not happy with us, and hasn't been for the past few hours. When we first got him back home, my husband and I were attempting to practice step ups with him. Over all he did well, but we did take a few hits. He almost drew blood on Rob, and I've got a nice puffy bite on my arm. When he had the first free chance, he walked back over to his cage and headed in. Who knows when he'll come out again, but I'm not expecting it to be today. He's sleepy from the trauma and stress. He keeps trying to fall asleep, and he's not even on his sleepy perch. He hasn't made much of an effort to eat yet today. I did see him munch on a grape and some oranges.


I'm hopefully that he'll come around again. I'm glad I got to hold him for the first time today. We both plan to handle him more now that the vet suggested that it's not horrible to "force" ourselves on him at this time. She said he's just testing us, since he is in his "Terrible Twos." She said his biting right now is just his way of saying, "I don't want to." But she showed us the difference between I really am uncomfortable with that, scared, and "I simply just don't want to."


Wish us luck!

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:) Hi, With Joey [used to be Jim], we would sit by his cage and rest our arm on it, we would talk to him, read to him, it took a long time, we offered him a "millet twig", you have to build his trust, just now he's starting to perch on us.;)
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Hi everyone. It seems Baby is making progress :) This week he has been willingly coming out of his cage. Granted, we still need to use the stick method as he lunges for a bite when our hands approach him with a step-up. He's fine with our hands being near him, in pretty much any way but as soon as you ask for step-up and approach with your hands in position for step-up, you better be prepared for a bite. He's been showing interest in wanting to leave his cage by not running from the stick and instead flailing his little leg for a step-up pretty much before you even ask for it. He has visited multiple rooms of the house this week and spent time in each room while hanging out on his t-perch. He's finally showing signs of being less nervous about being away from his cage.


He hung out in the bathroom on his t-perch while I took a shower. I let it get nice and steamy in there and played peek-a-boo from behind the curtain. I'm trying to incorporate peek-a-boo whenever I can because I hope to get him familiar with playing peek-a-boo with the towel game. During my shower I kept saying "Baby boy, whatcha doin? I'm takin a shower. Do you want to take a shower?" And things of that nature. I would mention the words water, fun, wet, etc. I tried to make it sound like I was having a grand time. After I took my shower I sat on the edge of the tub and chatted with him. I got the feeling he wanted a scratch, so I offered him one. He was very comfortable with it and it lasted a while. It was very nice for both of us.


I've also been allowing him to hang out on his t-perch in close proximity to me when I'm hanging around. Tonight, he sat on his t-perch and watched me on my laptop. I got the feeling that might be boring for him since he doesn't allow a lot of hands on interactions at this time. I decided to pull out one of the toys he brought with him from his other home. He seemed thrilled to have something to do while I had something to do. I guess we kind of played together as I tugged on his toy while he had it in his grip. I also retrieved it for him when he dropped it. He was also in the mood for more scratchies.


I decided to jump on the video band wagon. The quality isn't that great, but it's only a camera and not a camcorder.


is Baby's first video. (I just uploaded the video, so it may not be ready quite yet:P)


If your interested here is Baby's photo album.

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You have made GreYt progress with him.


I enjoyed viewing the photos and the video.


The way you are able to interact with him on the stand is a definite display of him trusting you and even putting up with you giving him scratches while he is trying to chill out and do some preening. My Grey would nail me if I tried that at preening or chill time.


He is a fine grey and is just learning your mannerisms, speech you use while building that trust.


GreYt job!!! :-)

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Thanks. I'm thrilled with our progress. You would call it progress, right?


In the video, the tone you hear in my voice is the same that I use with him at all times. Today he didn't want to step up on his stick to come out. He wasn't mean about it or aggressive, just simply didn't do it and put one foot on the side bars which means safe zone and I'm not budging. It's ok. He doesn't need to come out if he doesn't want to at the moment. He did want some more scratchies though, so I gave him that.


Do you notice how he puts his foot to his face and caresses himself while he receives a scratchie? Does anyone else have a Grey that does that? I think it's the cutest thing! It reminds me of how a dog gets a sweet spot and twitches a leg when you scratch the sweet spot. I hope he never stops doing that because I love it!

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