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Monkey See - Monkey Do!


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The biggest fear I've had with having two grey's is that Dixie would develop a bad habit from Beau (feather chewing). Well today I've learned that positive interaction and illustration can work wonders!


Dixie is forever chatting away - in fact she never shuts up - but in all her waking hours she's in and out of her cage, eating and playing with her toys; going from cage to boing to swing and back; asking for kisses and scratches and being her independent little self.


Beau just sits. He sits and eats his pellets - in or out of his cage. He doesn't play, he doesn't make a sound. He's just there. He does love to cuddle, which is the one thing Dixie really doesn't do much. Granted he's recovering from an illness and injury, and I knew he would use all his strength to work toward recovery.


Today however it seems we have turned a corner. First - there is a beautiful new flight feather on Beau's right wing - and it's gorgeous and he's not touched it! He spent his playstand time today not just eating, but playing with toys and actually preening himself. He's made a few noises too! It's like a switch has been turned on and he's turned into the grey I thought I was going to bring home!


Thanks to Dixie for setting such a wonderful example of how a grey is supposed to be. On that note, Dixie was extra cuddly today for some reason. Monkey see - monkey do!

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Ah - that's so lovely to hear Robin - perhaps two negatives do make a positive! How lovely it is to hear that GBG is making those tiny steps - as I've said a squillion times before - he is one lucky little chickie to have such a wonderful lead as yourself (and obviously Dixie). Keep up the good work Dixie xxxx

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Today Beau has spent more of his day actually moving around - instead of spending most of it on the playstand, he climbed down his ladder and has followed me around. I've thought about Harvey and Jill's toes as Beau discovered mine! We've also been discovering foraging. I've placed small amounts of Beau's favorite bird granola in various places and he's found 3 of the 4. Tomorrow should bring even more adventures!

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