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Terrible two's


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I have tried searching but perhaps I am not useing the correct terminology.

Gus is now two years old and turning a tad grumpy. Admittedly it's been a hard year for him as I returned to full time work and he does not get out the cage as much. He's also moulting now so head scratched evoke nips.

Is there such a thing as a terrible two's stage and will he chill out when he gets over it - which would be when?

I also find that when he's been out for about haplf an hour he gets really snippy and literally dives at my toes and nips them pretty hard. I then put him back in his cage for a while and take him out again later. Is this perhaps because he's getting too much cage time. Is he telling me he wants to go back?

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There are threads here regarding terrible twos. But, each Grey goes through it differently.


My thoughts are the increased cage time, equals more excitability when he gets out.


Our Grey is similar to what you are describing. When he gets out of the cage when my wife gets home. he fly's straight to his favorite perching area and starts singing, talking, whistling and playing all on his own for at least an hour. He is so excited that interaction with with is fun, but it is also the highest percent guarantee your going to get bit with all that energy and adrenaline pulsing through his veins and body.


Instead of putting him back in the cage. Perhaps try giving him his space and time to be alone if thats what he desires.


They truly start showing strong independence and attitudes once they hit two for the most part. In the wild this is when the are become fully mature and finding their place in the flock.

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Both my greys went thru the terrible two's. You will survive it........just be patient and understand they are trying to learn how to assert themselves.


Here are a couple of threads on it, I hope you find them helpful.






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I just posted about this a few weeks ago. Malibu was going through the same exact thing. My fingers were bleeding all the time. He would not listen, would not step up, and basically did what he wanted to do. He is about a year and a half now. I tried some of the things that people posted on here like basically learning to leave him be and to stop bothering him when he looked like he wanted to be left alone. He seems to be doing much better now. He does get nippy at times and does try to get his own way. I also try to reward him for being good as well by giving him his favorite, a piece of a peanut. There is somewhat of a light at the end of the tunnel. Things do get better but it does take a lot of time and patience. Good luck!

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