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Alfies Maveric Manoeuvres!!


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Bravo, well done!!


I loved watching Alfie "Thread the needle" especially in Slow-Motion. He truly is a "Top Gun", very fitting sound track.


It just goes to show just how graceful and precise these Greys are once they have mastered their flight skills.


Thanks for sharing this, I have marked it as a favorite to watch and share with others. :-)

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I am so jealous! Beau was supposed to have been flighted and Dixie was clipped when I got her. Now I can't wait until the rest of those flights grow out so I too can have the joy of watching them fly!


Great video and I love the music - very special meaning to me and now even more so!

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Part time film producer too Lyn - your talents are endless!!! What an absolutely fab video - She is definitely a top gun! I was just wondering if Tom himself was on the other side of that curtain, helping Alfie take off (yum yum!!)


I agree with Lyn - there's nothing more beautiful and amusing that a flighted grey - you find them everywhere - anytime, any place anywhere - perhaps I should have called Harvey "Bacardi"!!

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JillyBeanz wrote:

I was just wondering if Tom himself was on the other side of that curtain, helping Alfie take off (yum yum!!)


Nah - it was David with a parrot sized catapault!!:laugh:


JillyBeanz wrote:

you find them everywhere - anytime, any place anywhere - perhaps I should have called Harvey "Bacardi"!!


Lol - was that not Martini? I know what you mean tho!


Thanks for looking.



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Lyn, that was magnificent! At first I thought you just played the same clip, but watching it again, I could see how the curtain was moved and she came from a different direction. Did you put it in slow motion or does she fly that slowly and deliberately? It was awe inspiring.

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Glad you liked it, Lovethatgrey!


katana600 wrote:

Did you put it in slow motion or does she fly that slowly and deliberately? It was awe inspiring.


Dee, I have an amazing little camera that can take high speed clips that you can play back in slow mo! In real life she's really quick, and that wouldn't have suited the music!! It is lovely to watch tho.


Chris, just today? Well I would like to know what you seen yesterday!! lol.

I just think she's amazing!


Thanks for looking all!!


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  • 2 months later...

Alfie's been at it again, but she has progressed onto half closed doors!! I was ironing in this room and didn't want her coming to investigate, so I pushed the door almost shut so she could still see us but couldn't get through - or so I thought! How stupid of me to underestimate her!


I won't be getting a video of it cos I don't want her to do it again, but here is a pic of how closed the door was! I had Alfie return to the scene of her crime just to add perspective!

It's 11cm!! I don't even know how she did it!!



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It doesn't surprise me Lyn, where there is a will there is a way and Alfie is finding it, looks like if you want to keep her out you will have to close doors unless she finds a way to open them.


You might not be her favorite person but she certainly wants to be where you are.;)

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judygram wrote:

It doesn't surprise me Lyn, ;)


Well Judy - it surprised the hek out of me!!! But as you say, where there's a will, there's a way and if I've learned one thing about grey's - they are willful!


Janet - I really don't know yet how she did it - I was really gobsmacked!! When you see that gap in real life it's unbelievable!


I would be really interested to hear if anyone else's nutcase has atttempted something like this - I really wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen her do it myslf!!

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