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Pepper says "F**k you bird" [video]


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Jaguar wrote:




Talon if you let your feeling run like that all the time then maybe its time to hang up the admin and let someone with a cooler head take over. also as for the "snubby" i used highly strung and i'm 44 i think about what ive said. you jumped in and said" Oh how sad " maybe not posting would have been better. its like your a mum smacking your child for doing somehting wrong<br><br>Post edited by: Jaguar, at: 2009/11/11 16:44


Jeez, you are touchy aren't you.....:S My only thought when I watched her video was exactly what I wrote. In MY OPINION, it was sad to see such a beautiful bird using in my mind a 'FOUL" word. IT IS MY OPINION, AND MINE ONLY. I, just like everyone else here, is entitled to my opinion, my thoughts, my advice. It is not a requirement of the admin to not post a reply if they have one. I DO HOLD AN AWFUL LOT BACK HERE IN THIS FORUM, you have no idea.....:blink:

As for me hanging my hat up......DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH! B)

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I don't fault you for posting that video. I think it was done very tastefully in your title. I think you are a wonderful person in how you have handled all the responses to your video. You will be able to discourage Pepper to drop the word in question, it will take time, but Pepper IS YOUR bird. Seeing all you have posted, it is clear you love and adore her and am very proud of her. She sounds like a lucky bird to have such a devoted and loving parront.


Since others seem to think I over reacted, which they would be wrong, I just wanted to clarify, although I didn't find the video amusing, that doesn't mean you are a bad person or bad parront.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2009/11/11 17:32

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Talon wrote:

I speak for SOME of us here in the 'SNUBBY FORUM" as you so kindly put it. US "SNUBS" are older experienced owners.


Well I never, the first ever time I will ever disagree with you! Please don't categorise yourselves as being the "older" snubs. I don't consider myself as being old (well, 35 is ancient to 15 year olds, but in this context I'm not old) but I agree wholeheartedly with you!


I am afraid I agree with all the people here who don't think that this video is tasteful. I watched it and didn't find it funny at all. If it is picking it up in the house it lives in then I'd move out - sounds all too volatile for me - oh and the evil bird can't be misread as being directed elsewhere either.


Just an end note though - if you look below the live chat window it tells you that messages with offensive words will be filtered automatically - I just assumed this would go for threads too?


I'm no prude - and funnily enough not Amish either - in fact I come from the same town as Panther and Jaguar - and can't remember the Amish community there!


Penny - don't hang up your socks just yet - I for one value all the hard work you put into this forum, as well as the other admin and mods and would like to thank you openly for your time and efforts!!

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So glad to hear that Pepper love the radio! It will bring her hours of listening entertainment!


Brittany, thanks for starting this thread. It is something that needs to be talked about. There may be a younger grey owner that might do something intentional in regards to language (we do have some on this forum) and not realize the potential consequences of their actions.


As far as the opinions, I agree with Penny, this forum is specifically open so we can voice our opinions. The open forum allows varying opinions and advice that may put something into perspective, identify a potential problem, solve a delima or calm the nerves of a new owner. Thanks for being such a great administrator/moderator.

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Just as a note:

I do NOT encourage cursing, and I am NOT a stupid'15' year old. I am 19 years old, and don't think that it's soo hilarious to have my bird curse.


No, he picked up on it and I thought it was funny, so I took a video.


Have I encouraged the word further more towards him? No.


But the fact is that him saying it sounded funny.


And for those who think im so horrible because that was said to the bird, anything that is said to him like that is a JOKE. "Evil bird" LOL that is nothing to get mad over...

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Brittany to put myself in your shoes for a moment, it must have sounded funny to hear your sweet fid come out with that word the first time - I bet you were shocked but at the same time rocked with laughter. Having had time to digest it though and read through the comments, it's clear that this kind of language isn't to be encouraged. Dan gave some excellent advice about changing the words around to acceptable ones. Please don't beat yourself up about it though, you are a mere 19 years old with (I guess) no children to think about. At the end of the day (apologies for being flippant) no one has died or been injured in the making of your video. ;-)

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Interesting comments and in a way.. it's an interesting thread too. Personally I did not view this video and I am glad that Brittany had the courtesy to write a small description in the title to prepare everyone. This way we can all make our own personal decision to view the video or not.


I'm not a person who swears in general but it does occur in moments of extreme pain or frustration.:blush: For the most part..I try to either avoid saying it or say it very low under my breath and hope that Emma's not paying attention.


One thing I have noticed from my experience with Emma is that she doesn't seem to have any interest in mimicking radio or tv, etc. She mimics songs but only because I sing along and work at teaching her to sing too.


On the other hand she pays ALOT of attention to what I say. I think that if I ever did swear and Emma decided it was worth repeating she would still need to hear it several times and not simply once in a blue moon.


With that being said I don't find swearing attractive and it would bother me very much to hear it even occasionally come out of Emma.. but that's me.


I don't think it is my place to tell other parrot owners that I don't think it's appropriate because it should be pretty obvious. If they don't see it for themselves then that's another issue altogether.:)






Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/11/12 00:22<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/11/13 06:46

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I, personally, would not view the video, or any of that filth that is on YouTube. I find it vulgar and ridiculous. Just as I would try to refrain from using that type of language around my children, I also refrain from using it around my Grey. It's just common sense. If one of my kids started repeating that word, I'd be very upset. Someday, Brittany, you are probably going to be a mom yourself, and you're most likely going to view this whole scenario with shame and embarrassment then. What would you do if your employers (you are a nanny, you babysit children, right?) happened across this video you posted? What is funny to you at 19 is not very humorous to those of us who are older and more experienced. I've never posted a negative comment until now, but I feel like Talon was being attacked and I come here to find encouraging, useful advice...not garbage. I hope posts such as yours will be deleted before I come across them next time, they're useless to me. I'm sorry, but that's how I feel. If I had to come across silly posts such as this every time I came to the board, I'd definitely delete my account.:blink:

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Brittany - who are these people "well respected" by? The insinuation is that those who don't find this funny are not "well respected"? Your words aren't chosen too carefully!! ;)


Clearly these "well respected" employers of yours will have a sense of humour when their little darling comes home from school and bursts out such profanities. They'll then be well respected, and proud of their little dumpling.


As for the sense of humour - I have one of the best senses of humour in the world - go and have a look at some of my postings - I just didn't find this particular one funny!!! ;)

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I think enough comments have been made on this thread, that it has become redundant many times over.


Each individual has their own opinion on this topic.


I think it's time to just agree to disagree. Each side can find supporters and foes. :-)

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Hear, hear, I agree with Dan. It's wonderful that we have a right to disagree. Please remember to always show respect for each other. And remember:


Smile when disagreeing.

You do not need to win every battle to win the war.

Avoid name calling and verbal abuse.

Concede minor or trivial points.

Avoid bickering, quarreling, and wrangling.

Watch your tone of voice.

Don't win a debate and lose a friend.

Keep your perspective - You're just debating.

:kiss: :kiss:

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I agree with Dan. I was gonna say the same thing yesterday but then, I'm only a moderator of a different area. Everything has been said. The righteous, the unrighteous, the pro people, the non pro people, the angry people, not so angry people.

A mistake was made. Things like that happen. The person paid the price every ways to sunday. Continuous blasting isn't gonna accomplish anything except to make that person leave and it's not necessary. She wasn't trying to hurt anyone and she apologised


If anyone has something to say, it's best to go back in time and give Adam and Eve a piece of your mind. After all,they ate that infamous apple and made most of us imperfect. They had lust on their minds.

Amen amen I say to you, let all who are perfect step forward and lets discuss it.

I'll start it off--I'm perfect cause I never liked apples. Glory be!!

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