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Pepper says "F**k you bird" [video]


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Hi Brittany,


It's good to hear from you again. :-)


Most of us discourage our birds from cussing. If a bird ever needs to be rehomed, that can make it much harder to find to a home wiling to take them in.


Perhaps you could try to replace it with fudge. :-)

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It is good to hear from you again Brittany and your video is funny but I agree with Dan, it is not something we encourage our birds to do. I hope you never do have to rehome Pepper but its not a phrase you want repeated when small children are around or for heaven's sake if the preacher ever stopped by for a visit, you get my drift.


Please feel free to join in discussions, post pictures and otherwise be a member of our forum but these types of videos are best left to be shared with your friends who share your off color humor.

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Brittany, you are young and when I was young I thought nothing about anyone swearing. When you became a parent you realize how much you influence others, especially your children. To most of us, our greys are our children. If my grey were to swear I would view it as a reflection on my teaching even if it were a friend who taught her such a vulgar word. I did not watch the video and I love videos. What you choose to teach your grey is your burden to carry. You showed your video here for a reaction. Well you got one. My advice is don't share something that you don't want an honest opinion about.

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Btw yes pepper is my child also but she IS still a bird. It is not that big of a deal. I am a well respected nanny and my job is working with kids but of course I don't swear around them. Do we swear around pepper? Yes. because she happens to pick up on it doesn't mean anything

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

i am very big on no foul language being said around any and all the members of my family and this includes marvin grey and molly. it is a lesson for us when r birdz pick up bad language from us and when we r able to learn from them itis even better. i know that a lot of birds are stuck in rescues and are passed up for adoption cuz of this very reason. :evil: i would be very hurt if my birds started swaring out of blue so i feel ur pain. :( ur bird is still young and with minor modifications i am sure u will be able to brake him of this nasty habit. so do not lose hope. B) keep ur chin up and keep on keeping on.

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Brittany wrote:

Well, today i caught her on camera saying "F**k you, bird"




I didn't watch either, it's not my cup of tea, but the thing I find upsetting about this, is someone has obviously said this to her, and why would you say it (or let someone else say it) to the bird you "love to death"?


Glad to hear that you're going to try and bring in a different word tho!!;)

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No Brittany. I won't close this thread. You can't expect to post something like this and not get many different responses. We have over 5000 members from all over the world with many different opinions and beliefs. I will be keeping this thread open and use it as a learning tool for others. It is an important lesson.

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i wouldnt teach my bird to use these type of words but lets not get all amish, in the end if someone says they havent used words like that around there bird/s there not telling the truth. Brittany in an open forum you shared what you wanted and stopped here to reply well done. Personaly this forum is highly strung if your saying or doing something that doesnt fit then the whole forum rides your case.

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Hey all hubby told me about this thread and i've had a look at what's been written and everyone's views, i feel sorry for the way people have jumped down Brittany's throat, in today's society almost everything we watch on TV, DVD or even read has swear words in or on them, heck even outside here where i live have nothing but adults/kids swearing and yelling at one another what can we do(not much) if this is the only thing the bird is saying then its doing well because i've heard a lot worse coming out of the mouths of other parrots on You Tube. I myself am no saint when it comes to unwanted language but i am trying not to be so bad, if i fail and dusty uses a swear word then oh well at least i've tried. Brittany at the end of the day its your bird your house and your option as to what you will learn your parrot but hopefully after hearing the views from members here even if some are very harsh you just show people what a loved for and cared for Parrot you have.

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"The only people who don't find it funny are on this site. Pepper is treated like a princess and its not often we even curse around her."


Hi Brittany,


I just want to put this in perspective for you and anyone else that finds a cussing bird funny.


It is not a matter of just people on this site being prudes or zealous religious fanatics as Jaguar insinuated "Amish".


No one is personally attacking you or flaming you from reading all these responses. All have just stated common sense "Parrot Etiquette" in bringing up and training one.


I am no saint and sometimes when I get mad or frustrated, I let some zingers fly. Well, atleast I did until my Grey Dayo came out with them and in context with something that happen to him. I must admit, I laughed and so did my wife at first. I even posted it here for all to read, but I also advised that I was going to get him to stop saying it.


The reason they pick up these words, is because they are normally used with a lot of intensity and in immediate response to something that happened. They pick up our intense feelings, listen to how their flock example reacts and BAM, the next time they encounter an accident or something doesn't go their way, guess what they learned from the flock to say? Yup, those exact words.


It took a few months to replace those two words with "Shoot!" and "God Dangit!". But, he now uses those words.


I do not ever want my Grey to use cuss words. Why? Because we have children over to our house. Guess what children do? They mimic and they especially think cuss words are funny. I don't want these kids going home and telling their mom and dad the words they learned at our house.


We also have company and family over fairly often. I would be extremely embarrassed if a zinger came out while they were here.


Also, as I already stated in my first comment to this thread. I care greatly that when I and my wife pass on, that Dayo is not limited in finding a good home due to the language he uses to express himself. You may be young, but you do not know the day or hour you coul dpass on. No one does.


So for all that think we are prudes or religious fanatics...... you are so wrong. We care about how our birds interact with people of all walks of life and want to insure a good future for them should something happen to us.


Brittany, I have always enjoyed your posts, photos etc. and hope to continue hearing updates from you. :-)

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Well, this is turning into a very interesting debate. I speak for SOME of us here in the 'SNUBBY FORUM" as you so kindly put it. US "SNUBS" are older experienced owners. We have seen the enormous numbers of birds left in rescues, rehomed numerous stressful times only to be given back to who ever is willing to take that bird because of it's foul language. These poor birds never did anything wrong and sometimes they end up in terrible homes because no one wants a bird that uses such language.


We are only trying to enlighten you as you are a bit young and seem to be proud of what Pepper is saying. We can't predict the future, and I hope and pray that Pepper will be with you forever and not have to be rehomed for any unforeseen reason.


We here, also understand that you never taught your bird this word, but any bird owner knows, that your bird will pick up just about everything you say. That's why we are careful in the use of our colorful language around them. B)

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"So for all that think we are prudes or religious fanatics" i dont and i care about how "My" bird interacts with others, But as we can only advise people how a responsible owner would care for there bird. What we shouldnt do is public hangings about what someone wanted to share. As i said its "Not" something i would hope Dusty to do and if he does then i will prolly do as you have done Dan replace the words with other nicer words to be a better parront.



Talon if you let your feeling run like that all the time then maybe its time to hang up the admin and let someone with a cooler head take over. also as for the "snubby" i used highly strung and i'm 44 i think about what ive said. you jumped in and said" Oh how sad " maybe not posting would have been better. its like your a mum smacking your child for doing somehting wrong<br><br>Post edited by: Jaguar, at: 2009/11/11 16:44

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Umm I just found the video funny. I never said I encourage it. Like I said pepper is my baby and she is treated like the queen of the world. I'm lucky to have such a bird with so much personailty. Peppeer is one of the most calm greys I've met. She will step up to anyone.I spent over fifteen hours a week for over a month when she was at the pet store. Pepper is not ever going to another home but still I don't sit here and teach her it. It was simply a funny video so lighten up ;)

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No one is hanging anyone here, Brittany posted a video that was not in good taste and we let her know, maybe utube is full of such crap but that doesn't mean we have to allow it here on this forum. I know cuss words are used by many people but just because it is commonplace doesn't mean it is the right thing to do.


Brittany saw the error of her ways and removed the link, if anyone wants to see it go to utube and look it up but we would rather that material not be posted here as many kids view this site.


Whether Brittany taught Pepper to say it is not the problem, he could have picked it up from anyone.

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