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Hello and welcome to the family, Melissa, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey you are getting.


Is this your first grey and/or first parrot? Do you know the sex of it yet and have you picked a name for it?


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and if you have specific questions you want to ask we will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


When you do bring this grey home if you could share a picture of it with us we would love to see it.

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Thanks judygram. This will be my first parrot of my very own. My husband grew up with a Red Lored Amazon that still lives with his brother and I grew up with a blue and gold macaw that my mother owns. This will be the first grey. I do not know yet if it is a male or female and we are debating names. I think I am going to pick it up on Saturday, so I may wait to see what its personality is before I name it. My husband likes the name Echo. If you have any name suggestions I would appreciate it! My other question is I have a smaller cage to transport the bird home and to the vet, but it has been used by my macaw. He goes to the vet regularly and there is nothing wrong with him but how can I safely clean the travel cage for my new baby? Thanks and I will post a pic as soon as I become a mom!

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I would wash it down real good with hot soapy water with a little bleach in it, just be sure to thoroughly rinse it before you use it.


I think that is smart to wait to see the personality before deciding on a name, sometimes something about the bird my give you an idea of a suitable name.


I know you can't hardly wait for Saturday to get here but be sure to share a picture with us, we are anxious to see it too.:P

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Hey guys! I do not know who all read my post about getting me new grey! I was supposed to get it Sat, but due to some snow I am finally picking up the baby in the morning! I know it will take him some time to warm up to my family and his new home. What is the best? Should I just leave the cage open while I am here and let him come out on his own or just leave him alone a few days and see what happens? I just wonder the best way to help him transition smoothly! Thanks!

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Yes I remember you posting that you were going to pick up your new grey on Saturday but a little snow threw a delay in that and now you are bringing it home today. I would give it a little time to get used to the new home, it can be overwhelming to a new grey, new home, new cage, new flock members and all. Offer some toys, give it some food and water and talk to it softly and let it get used to you.


Get us a picture if you can after you bring it home and let us see how adorable it is.

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Well...I am finally home with my new baby! His name (well we will know for sure in a few weeks if it is he or she) is going to be Smokey! My stepchildren think he looks "smokey" because of the grey! After a long trip back from Indianapolis to Knoxville, TN he took a short nap. He went right into his new home and started plying with toys, eating, drinking, and preening. He is stepping up out of his cage, letting us scratch his head and even pet under his wing! I am truly amazed at how well he has done b/c he has not even been here 12 hours! I look forward to lots more fun and loving! Here is a picture of Smokey:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all! I am looking forward to getting alot of advise through this web site. I just took on an African Grey. I think now that he is older than 5 years. His tag says 96. I have had him now for two week. The prior owner asked us if we knew anyone who wanted a bird. So we started talking about it. I ended up getting him for our family. I thought he would be loud so I was unsure on how I would react towards him since I do work from home. In the two weeks that I have had him in my home, even though he is adjusting, I have found that I absolutely love him. He does not say anything yet. I have been told that he does say little phrases. I am hoping that I can teach him to talk more and say more. I work with him all day it seems like. He sits behind me in the dining room. We have a large dining room and can fit him right in. I roll my chair across the dining room to him through out the day and talk to him. I think he likes it. I am hoping to get more out of this web site than any book that I have tried looking for about what to do with him and how to teach him. I am a little concerned that since he is older, I will not be able to do what I want with him. You know, the older they are, the harder it is. I never thought I would enjoy this as much as I have in the past two weeks. Even though he has done nothing exciting. I am so looking forward to making friends in this site and learning all I can for my birds sake. I think he deserves this.

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Welcome Tickle!!


It sounds like you are taking things slow and making your new Grey feel safe and secure in his new environment. :-)


He will start talking and interacting with you more and more as time goes on. There is a ton of information here on the Forum that is easily searchable by just entering a keyword.


We look forward to hearing more form you. :-)

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hi all my name is yasar I have a 3 year old african gray named zazoo she is a lovely bird only got her today I am every happy to have her but before the old owner has given her to me she started plucking in I realy don't want anything to happen to her hop I'll learn every thing to my here feel helth and happy

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Hello and welcome to the family, Yasar, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Zazoo.


I would like to hear some more about this 3 year old grey you have acquired, like how her relationship with her former owner was and why they gave her up to you. She may be missing her previous owner and plucking her feathers is her reaction to that. You have taken her away from maybe the only home she knew and maybe a new cage and she may be stressed out because of it.


Is this the first parrot/grey you have had? You need to read and research everything you can so please go thru the threads here on this site for lots of useful and helpful information and do not hesitate to ask any specific questions you may have. We will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictues of Zazoo that you would like to share with us we would love to see her.

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hi all.well im a new comer to the site and bird keeping all together.i recently took on the adventure of adopting a abused african grey named buddy.i was never a bird fan till i meet him and made a connection.although he is still afraid of hands after 3 weeks i have him takeing treats but thats about it.any advice is well accepted and sorry about my poor spelling.see you soon

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Welocme Matt!!


That's wonderful. Taking in rescues is such a loving thing to do. It sounds like you have taken your time with him and have a lot of patience.


He will learn over time, that you are he friend and new companion.

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Hi, I am new to this site and glad I found it. Thanks. I have a 3yr old male T. Grey named Micah and I totally adore him. He rooms with my other 3 parrots. I have found him to be totaly crazy in his playing with his toys. I have also never seen a parrot hang upside down so much and do as many things as he does upside downn. Amazing. I am hopeing to learn more regarding greys from this site. Sometimes I think he and I are at opposite ends of the street so to speak.


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Hello everyone! I just bought a 3 month old Congo and heard about this site in my discussions with other bird owners. I'm very excited as I have a lot to learn and this seems like an inviting place to do it. I've already noticed that bird owners have carved out their own unique subculture, and I totally dig that. My currently nameless young male grey has not come home yet since he's not fully weaned, but he's as adorable as can be and I couldn't possibly be more excited about his eventual arrival. Until then, thanks for the warm welcome.



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Hello and welcome to the family, Matt47389, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Buddy.


I commend you for taking in an abused grey, they are special birds and with a lot of patience I am sure you will make a fine friend in Buddy. The poor thing, how anyone can do that to a beautiful creature like a grey is beyond me but with a lot of love and attention I am sure he will come around.


We have numerous threads on various topics, read thru them for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any specific questions you may have. We will do what we can to help you make Buddy a welcome companion.


If you have any pictures of Buddy you would like to share with is we would love to see him.

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