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Susie what I have read and learned is that Grey's have to trust you, TRUST is a big issue with them. Don't force them to like you, cause they won't. Just take time to spend just talking with them and slowly gain there trust. It wont happen over night, my wife is still gaining the trust of our Grey, and she has been trying for about 2 months now. They will come arround on there time frame.;) Congrats on buying a lifetime partner.

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Hello and welcome to the family, Mike, aka, Slayer, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey.


Some greys do not like water or bathing, mine included, but I do spray her to get her wet, she has learned to tolerate it for she knows I am going to do it anyway. I use aloe vera juice in a spray bottle and soak her good with it, it helps the skin.


Trust is a big issue with greys and it takes time to gain that trust but is well worth it, some take longer so never give up.


Take the time to read thru many of our threads for lots of useful information and ask us any questions you may have, we will do our best to get an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of your grey you would like to share with us, we would love to see her.:P

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Hi I an new here also and i am glad i found this site and forum(Thanks)

I have a african Grey Parrot name of einstien and she is about 7yrs old.she was a present for somebody else and they couldn`t take her so we ended up with her.and believe me i was so nervouse(never had a big bird like this)and she turned out to be one awesome bird and friend.she sings alittle and talks alot.:laugh:

but i would like to know if anybody can tell me is what is the age of them to start laying eggs?she is around 7yrs old and she is not acting like she is struggling at all so i don`t think she is ready but like to keep and eye on her for that.

ok enough talking

thanks for letting me join and thanks again for this site


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Hello and welcome to the family, Sandy, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more from you and Einstein.


So you are looking for eggs, I'm not sure she will even lay eggs, I think they have to get in a mindset of nesting to start that so I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe one of our experts will clarify this for us.


Glad you found out that greys are awesome creatures and you have the pleasure of sharing your life with one, they do bring so much joy into our lives.


Please read thru the many threads here on various topics for lots of helpful information and if you have questions just ask, we will help you in any way we can.


If you have pictures of Einstein that you would like to share with us please do, we would love to see her.

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Thanks Judygram

This place is great.i have been looking all around and i think it is great.

thanks for replying and the warm welcome.Einstien is at the bird cabin(which is all birds and they clip her )like she gets a manacure(wings) and a pedacure and her beak gets looked at also.

when she comes back i will take some pic of her since she will look great then.

thanks again

sandy:laugh: B)

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thanks for the great welcome all

i just added some pics of einstien after her beauty spa B) she looks great and you can tell she feels great also

thanks again


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Hi everyone,

My husband and I are getting our very first grey baby the end of January and we're so excited! So of course I wanted to get online and meet other grey mommies and daddies. Are there any "wish I had" or "wish I hadn't" tips for when we first bring him home?? We'd love any advice :P


Hilary and the fuzzy and feathered gang

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Hello and welcome to the family, Hilary, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey you are getting in January. Do you have any other birds in your household or is this grey your first parrot?


If you are interested in tips you have come to the right place, we have many threads that have lots of useful information, just read thru them at your leisure. You are free to ask us any questions you may have, we will do our best to answer and help you in any way we can.


After you bring your baby home in January, if you would share a picture with us we would love to see it.

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Yes, we are SO excited and thank you for the warm welcome! We currently have two aussie shepherds and two tiels so we're critter friendly around these parts.

I have some baby photos of my little baby courtesy of his breeder .. I think it's uploaded below. He's about 5 weeks now, little red stub of a tail coming in! So cute.

We're still deciding on names, as we just found out a few days ago that he's a boy (DNA sexed). We're pretty sure we're going to call him Atticus, but it's subject to change of course when we bring him home and realize he's actually a Magnus or something.


I haven't met him yet but will as soon as we get the green light from his breeder!

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I have kept parrots most of my adult life. I've had Lovebirds, a Quaker, a Sun Conure, and a Senegal. I lost the Quaker to "teflon poisoning" about 18 years ago and my Senegal was stolen from me 10-11 years ago. Then as now, I always wanted a Grey.


Well, to be honest...a large parrot such as a Macaw or a Cockatoo. I had worked with them in the past, but never owned one. When my job transferred me 2 years ago, i vowed to get one of the birds I had always wanted. We have a good Parrot shop close to us. They don't exactly sell birds, though: cages, supplies, food, and they offer boarding. However they do take baby birds on consignment from time to time and act as a broker for local Breeders.


I began visiting the store with my wife to try to win her over to a macaw or a Cockatoo...but she was a bit intimidated by their size (except one of the store birds: a Hyacinth macaw...biggest one, go figure). A coworker had told her all about Greys and I had always liked Greys, myself. The only bird species I really wanted nothing to do with were the Amazons. So we decided on a Grey. When the store got a batch of babies in, they were already spoken for, but one.


He was kind of a runt, and I spent every day visiting him and bonding with him for 4-5 months until we could bring him home. We named him "Mumbles" because of his habit of mumbling and his resemblance to the penguin from Happy Feet. He says about 50 words and phrases:"I Love You", "Are you a good bird?" "Are you a good boy", "I'm a bad bird", "Good morning, mumbles", "Wanna go outside" "How bout that?", "Gimme a kiss", etc.


He's a great bird and I never regret getting him, even though he's going through some behavioral problems right now with my wife.

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Hello and welcome to the family, Mike, glad you could join us and I know you are going to enjoy your stay with us. We have a lot of members who are always willing to help out each other whenever we need any help or advice.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of helpful information and don't hesitate to ask any specific questions you may have, we will help you in any way we can.


So you mention other birds and you lost your quaker and senegal, but do you still have any of the lovebirds or the sun conure in your household right now? I have a sun conure and she is a real clown but she can be a bit loud, my grey is quiet in comparison.:whistle:


If you have any pictures of Mumbles you would like to share with us we would love to see him.:P

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Welcome here Mike, I am so happy you joined the community. Mumbles sounds like a lovely bird. I know that Greys are usually 'connected' to one person only (bonded is more the word), but I am sure that he'll start behaving nicely to your wife as well, as long as both of you are consistent :)

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Hey All!!


My name is Ashley I am from Louisiana and MY Wife and I are getting our very first Grey!!! He is 5yrs old and his name is Andre..


He belonged to a friend of ours who doesn't really have time for him any more..So With no kids and lots of love to give she knows he will be going to a wonderful home...


I have always thought parrots were pretty amazeing animals and very very smart.. I have heard my wife mention a time or 2 she has wanted a Macaw.. But I think she is just as excited to have Andre.. I know i am!!!


I'm so happy i found this site.. I have learned alot and im sure im going to learn alot more!! Can't wait to put up some pics of our soon to be son!!

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Hello and welcome to the family, Ashley, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Andre. I know you are going to love it here just like we do.:)


This is so nice that you could take in this grey and being an older bird might have some baggage to overcome but with your love and patience you should be able to overcome that and bond with him.:P


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask specific questions you may have. We will be glad to try and answer to the best of our ability and help you in any way we can.:)


Yes please do post pictures when you get them, we would love to see Andre. :P

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