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We would love to hear about you and your parrots.

Please come on in and introduce yourself and stay a spell.

We are a family here and want to welcome you proper into it.

Please be sure to check out or Understanding you grey area and the FAQ's. They have lots of info and may help you out a lot.




Sorry Tari, that I have to edit your posting, but I would like to lock this thread and encourage all new members to click on 'new topic' to initiate your very own introduction thread :) <br><br>Post edited by: FairY, at: 2008/02/06 08:50

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I've been "the sort of person who kept a parrot" for most of my adult life. Big Lou Finebird (originally Lucy) is a one-person bird (double yellow head) and I'm his person. My husband wanted a bird to call his own, so we adopted Debbie Michelle, (a gofin too) ....then Toby, a grey came into our flock....Toby's dad had a human baby (go figure) and didn't feel as if he could give Toblerone the attention he needed. So now we're a 3 bird family. Toby is brilliant with a huge vocabulary and plays well with others. but I don't really know much about this type of bird.


I think that Toby is favoring one foot. he also seems to be grooming the favored foot more than the other.....and he's into getting into the bath with me, walking up and down my leg in the bath...what's up with that?

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Hello Nancy and welcome to the family, glad you could join us and if you have had parrots most of your life then you could probably tell us some stuff that we don't know. I always enjoy when someone joins that has a lot of experience with parrots especially greys for it is another excellent resource to look to for advice. We admit we don't know everything, I know I don't, and the more members the better.



Greys tend to hold one foot up when perching to rest that leg but if he is grooming that foot more then I don't know what is going on, maybe the nails are too long and he is trying to trim them himself.


Good that he will get into the bath with you, Josey will not do that, but I wouldn't worry about walking up and down your leg, just be grateful he gets into the bath with you. Maybe one of the other members knows what is up with that.

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It's possible that some of the scales that he's picking at aren't coming off or the pad of his foot is a little raw. Get some aloe vera gel and rub it into the foot and pad. It's disappears instantly. It soothes a foot. Put some at the base of the claws too. Any ingestion can't harm the bird. Gel is also used on skin irritations of the bird (bald spots)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,


My name is Debbie. I have had Radar, my Timneh, for about 5 years now. He was born in the wild and smuggled into the US many years ago. He is about 30 now. He is wonderful and I can't imagine our lives without him. He is smart, beautiful, funny, you know the rest.

I do have a question. He is afraid of new toys ect and I was wondering if anyone had this problem and how they handle it. Lately, he has started coming down his cage alot & wants to pick on the carpet and furniture. I am thinking he is a little bored and want to introduce a play area and other things to keep him happy.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


Thanks, Debbie & Radar<br><br>Post edited by: radar, at: 2007/10/07 00:59

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Welcome Debbie !!


Wow, you have had Radar a long time and it sounds like a wonderful relationship and home you have provided him with.


It seems that most Greys are afraid of new toys at first. Many people find that they must slowly introduce a new toy by first hanging it on the outside of the cage fro a few days so they will get used to it being in close proximity. Then once they seem comfortable with it you can move it inside the cage for closer inspection and hopefully some fun playing with it. :-)


We look forward to hearing more from you and maybe you could post a Photo of your Grey TAG. :-)

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Debbie that would leave 20 years between the time he got caught and when you got him. wasn't he taken care for that time? didn't he get domesticated? i feel soooooooo sorry for those little guys kidnapped from their original habitat. thank you for taking good care of him. and, of course, welcome to the forum :)

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He went through 2-3 homes, that we know of. The person we got him from had him over 10 years. You would never know he is was wild. He is one of the most loving birds I have ever seen. He gives me kisses, snuggles with us, let me scratch him all over. We have a great bond, even the person we got him from, that had him all those years never got as close to him as we are. He is a happy little fellow, he talks ALL the time. Smart as they come.


I have heard stories about how they are captured and it is terrible, so glad it is against the law now.



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A few months ago, our 14 year old cockatiel passed away and our house was just not the same. My son, who lives in CA insisted that we adopt his female grey, since he could no longer give it the attention that she deserved. My husband made a round trip plane ride out to CA to bring her home safely to IL. We have only had Rosie (three yrs. old) for two weeks now but she seems to be settling in. My son had three roommates and Rosie uses four different male voices. During our dinner is when she talks the most, but we can hear her from the other room. She is a closet talker so she rarely talks while your in the same room. Some nights at dinner I think we laugh more than we eat. It is a riot trying to figure out what she is saying and who's voice she is using. I'm still a little skittish about handling her since she has been raised with males. But I'm giving her plenty of space and I hope that in time she'll learn to trust me. In the meantime, I'm enjoying her company!


I'm glad to have found this site, I'm sure that I'll be in here a lot!



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I am new to this web site. I love african greys. I think they are amazing. I recently lost my 4 year old grey to a very unusual blood clot. Very sudden and unexpected. I am devestated. He was truly a member of our family not a pet.


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Hi there my name is mervyn im from ireland and recently bought my first african grey who is only 13 weeks old.So he is only at my home now bout 3 days so hes still finding his feet and getting accustomed to everyone and thing around him , i am just wondering if it is ok to be leaving him out of the cage right now been so soon , i left him out the 2nd night and he was fine except from the few times he flew straight into the wall other than that whilst on me he was fine ,so im not sure as to continue or wait a little longer for him to get used to the surroundings ?

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Welcome mervyn2233 !!!


Sounds like a wonderful new baby Grey yo have there.


Leaving him out at night, in the dark and in unfamiliar soundings is probably not a good idea. Something as simple as a sound or car lights shining in could be startling him and making him fly into walls or other dangerous items. This could result in serious injury.


The nest advice I could give, would be to Cage him at night and cover him so he feels and secure in his "Home".


We look forward to hearing more from you and perhaps seeing some photos :-)

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Thanks dan for your wise words , i do leave the big light on at night when he is out and about and he flew into the wall maybe 2 times but then came around and started walking over to me ,im just a bit concerned that due to the fact hes so young and only with me few days is it ok to be leaving him out of cage right now ? sorry for the stupid questions ha

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mervyn2233 wrote:

Hi there my name is mervyn im from ireland and recently bought my first african grey who is only 13 weeks old.So he is only at my home now bout 3 days so hes still finding his feet and getting accustomed to everyone and thing around him , i am just wondering if it is ok to be leaving him out of the cage right now been so soon , i left him out the 2nd night and he was fine except from the few times he flew straight into the wall other than that whilst on me he was fine ,so im not sure as to continue or wait a little longer for him to get used to the surroundings ?


Welcome Mervyn, nice to have you here :)

(Isn't Ireland getting represented rather well here lately? :laugh: )

These are exciting times for you, I think, with your bird just home. What's his name?

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Hi we are after calling him lucky as i left the kids name him , my kids are 6 and 2 i dont mind them speaking etc with lucky but i am not leaving him out around the kids just yet as we only have him 3 days i dont want him getting upset so i wait untill the kids are in bed to leave him out at least untill hes used to the kids and vice versa.I have seen huge improvement in him in such short time he now responds to me after i talk to him , and at first was a little startled when i put hand into the cage but now he actually leaves me rub him under his kneck which he likes ,we are truly happy we bought him and look forward to chatting to other people here about our experiences and maybe get some sound addvice here also .<br><br>Post edited by: mervyn2233, at: 2007/10/02 15:31

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It sounds like he is fledging at 13 weeks, he is VERY inexperienced at flying and controlling it. :-)


I mis-understood your first post. I thought he was being left out all night in the dark and flying into walls!!


He must learn to fly by fledging. Just make sure no pointed objects, windows shut, mirrors covered etc and stoves or cooking items off at the time he's out and testing out his flying skills.


It sounds like you are having a wonderful and normal time with him!! :-)

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ah thats good thanks for your opinion and god know i wouldnt dare leave him out all night in the dark ha , only when my wife and I are there after kids have gone to bed of course like i said i want the bird and the kids to become accustomed to each other before i let him out of the cage first.Yes i made sure all photos are face down and hes well out of danger at all times , im just bit concerned at him flying into walls and not knowing where he can land etc i suppose this will happen untill he familiarises himself wit the room .Again its gr8 to chat to experienced people

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Hello and welcome to the family, Mervyn, glad you could join us and good luck to you with your new grey. I know it has been a little difficult for you but you are doing fine. The others here have given you some excellent advice and I cannot add much.


He does need to learn to fly and land properly and removing all objects that could potentially cause him harm is good, he will get more agile as he matures.


If you have any questions feel free to ask us anything and we are here for you if you need anything.


If you have a photo of Lucky we would love to see him as we do all the members birds.

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Thank you lovemygreys he certainly does look content anyway ,he is dozing as we speak now .I am new to all this as i only have him less than a week .He still seems to be flying into walls and the tv when i leave him out at night im hoping this will stop soon as i dont want him to endanger himself ,i do remove all danger that i can but heres hoping he starts landing on something soon ,on accasion he (lucky) will land on my arm as i callout to him so theres a bit of progress on that .

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