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Concerns about Rudy my Tag

Codys Mom

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just a few concerns about Rudy

number 1..is 6 and half months old to old for nightly feedings? she is still takeing 20 ml of formula every nite and she will let you know it's feeding time at exactly 8:30 pm

Concern 2...she eats all the time lol she eats her pellets,her Higgins seed mixture but I only give her a Tablespoon of seed mixture everyday and she eats lots of fresh veggies and fruits everyday plus her and Opey my quaker are best buds now and she will fly to his cage and sneak in and eat his Roudybush pellets, he will also fly to her cage and play with her toys , which she doesn't mind at all but he doesn't like her Zupreme Natural Pellets he just likes her toys

Concern 3 her weight is running between 280 and 285 is that ok weight for her age?

thanks everyone just a concerned mommy here :)<br><br>Post edited by: RudysMom, at: 2009/11/10 05:28

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Still wanting a hand feeding is fine and some Greys will enjoy that feeding and look forward to it for life. You know they do feed each other as mates and is a very endearing thing to do.


They will not over eat like people. The weight is fine and Rudy sounds like one fine healthy and happy Grey! :-)


GreYt job!!!

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