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I've only had my CAG for 11 days and this weekend while I was playing with her and trying to get her to step up, she was all excited and whimpering and gave me a nice offering of regurgitated food. From all the reading I have done in the forum this is a good thing, because it means she likes me. But so far, not matter what I have tried, she just won't step up. She just bites me right away, so I give up after she starts trying to rip my finger off!! Any ideas? Or do I just need to what longer?

Thanks.<br><br>Post edited by: cutlass5268, at: 2009/11/10 01:09

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She is for sure not testing to see if my finger is strong enough to step on. More like testing it to see if she can bite right through it!!;) As soon as I touch her and try the step up command, she just reaches down and bites. Which I'm guessing means, I don't want too. She will sometimes grab my finger and then flip upside down to play, but she still ends up eventually biting hard enough to draw blood. Even though I am just standing talking to her calmly as she plays her upside down game. She did step up nicely for her previous owner, so I'm confused.

Last night when I was playing with her she seemed to get over excited and was blabbering and squeaking with her wings lowered and trying to regurgitate. So I just left her alone until she calmed down. She always wants to come with me when I leave the room and gets her wings ready to fly, so I have tried going back to her to see if she will step up and come with me. But she still just bites.

I have added a nice new puzzle toy for her to play with and chew on. Her previous owner only had a couple of pathetic little toys in her cage for her. I'm hoping maybe she can get rid off some biting aggression with the toy and maybe be easier on me. I'm running out of band aids!!:laugh:

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You need to tell her no when she bites you and turn your back on her, she has to learn that biting is not acceptable behavior. This will take some time but if you work on it then she might lessen the biting but at the moment I think she thinks she is in control.


Some of the other more knowledgeble members will have some good advice for you as a biting grey is not something I have had to deal with as yet.

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