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We are now the proud 'parents' of a gorgeous African Grey, we collected her yesterday from her previous owner, shes 16 months old and her name is Ruby, the previous owner advised that we leave her in her cage for a few days to get used to us but my fear is she will then have problems intergrating, we have never had a parrot before and I want to make sure we make her feel safe and welcome from the word go, shes a bit tetchy today and growled a bit earlier, if anyone has any advise I would be so grateful. Thanx :-)

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Tinamarias, welcome to the forum :) You'll get great advise here from our members I'm sure, but in the meantime I just wanted to say that I'm happy you joined us :)

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Thanx FairY, am glad I found this place as I am working int eh dark right now, I have let her out of her cage and as we speak shes sitting on my husbands shoulder, shes still nervous understandably so. We plan on spending the whole day with her, shes not used to a lot of people and our house is generally filled with all teh family so that will take some getting used to I guess. :)

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Tinamarias if she'd be more comfortable in her cage then that's where she would be going to. I'm sure you're doing the right thing ;) And, of course she's still nervous. So would I be, if I entered a new home with new family ;)


Good luck and keep us updated, yes?

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Well so far so good, the best part of this morning she has been perched on my husbands shoulder, she really really does not like our dog, I spoke to the previous owner about this and he says she has never seen one, she actually growls at him every time she sees him lol!

She is a cutie but still a little anxious, we are going out to lunch later and I think its best I put her in her cage while we are gone as shes not familiar with the house yet, although hubbie did take her on a tour! Will update a little later adn thank you so much for all your advice :)

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Guest Lidia

Welcome Tinamarias, it sounds like you are doing all the right things. It is wonderful that Ruby has come to such a lively household, I am sure she will come to love all the hustle and bustle, and it will certainly prevent her from becoming bored.

I would definitely make sure she is caged when you're not around, as you do have a dog and you just never really know how animals will react when there's no human supervision.

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Hi Tinamarias,


It sounds like the home you have provided and the love, freedom and calm atmosphere you have provided over the last day or so is working just fine at helping Ruby feel welcome. :-)


We'll be looking forward to updates on her antic's :woohoo:

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Hi & Welcome to our family! We're happy you joined. Good for you for taking Ruby into your home. It sounds like you are doing all the right things with her. She needs the comfort and assurance from you so she can adjust to her new home. Keep up all the love you are showing her.

I would never let her have the run of the house unsupervised, with or without your dog. There are too many hazards for her, wires, windows, etc.


Please keep us updated. We love photo's, so please post one when you can. We are here for you, so any questions you may have, please ask away! :)

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