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ok this one is a little wierd, I am not sure how to even explain it really, But here goes nuthin!


OK, My 8 month old Grey has been doing this wierd noise the past 2 days, When I hold her she maks "kiss noises" and I give kisses back on her beak, Cuz she always touches my (closed) mouth to give me a kiss, But then after that, She has been making a whispering noise, Sort of like If you are saying HI in a whisper withought the I, So like if you were trying to teach a little kid what sound the "H" makes, You know what I am saying? Just blowing air, no noise, But she isnt hissing...I just dont know what this is, haha Any idea what this could be...She does it when she is feeling very lovey wich is early in the morning and right before bed, You know sleepy times, she is sweet and lovey all the time, but EXTRA cudley, at these times, and that is when she is making this weird sound...


So, I hope that was understandable, haha...Maybe someone here will be able to give me some insight on what this could be. Even if you dont know, let me know, Just so I know I am not the only one, haha




Post edited by: JungleDreamz, at: 2009/11/08 16:35<br><br>Post edited by: JungleDreamz, at: 2009/11/13 15:57

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Hannah, I think I know what sound you are talking about as I have heard Josey do it but I don't really know what it means, maybe some kind of contentment sound since it usually is when they are pleased or happy.


Maybe some of the more knowledgeable members will enlighten us as to what it means.

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merlin makes the H sound too. usually right away when i come in to say good morning. it is only at a good time never a stressful one (he has a certain tweet which means 'fruit fly alert') so i take it as a happy/contented/all is well sound.


it is not in response to anything i say, so i take it as a good morning greeting or approval.


now that i hear it is something other greys do, i am thinking it is a grey thing not just a merlin thing.


happy sunday!



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Lyric does this too, when he's especially happy. Sometimes when I take him to look in the mirror, he really loves looking at how pretty he is and hearing all about it from me. At first when he did it I thought he was trying to say something or trying to whisper. I've never heard my younger grey Sadie do it though. You are right though it is a little hard to describe but I know exactly what you are talking about.

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Thanks so much for all the replies, I cant believe their are others that do this too! Pretty interesting!


Yeah it sort of sounds like whispering the word "wheat" for my grey it sounds a little more like she is whispering the word "how" And she REALLY blows her breath when she does, Its like she wants me to smell her seed/pellet breath, lol

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Never heard that one before. :-)


Sounds like someone making the whoosing "I Tired" sound. Anybody body there make that sound?


Now that I think about it. I last remember hearing that from Tui on youtube when his owner asked if he was tired from working hard.

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Nope! Definitely not the noise we were all describing!!! To me it sounds like a sliding door - you don't have a sliding door or alike that she is mimicking do you?


It's like one of those radio competitions "guess the noise" - but we get a payout at the end if we are right!!! :laugh:

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So none of you have heard it huh? lol, She is so weird and silly, We dont have a sliding glass door...But I never thought of something like that, Its a good guess!


Well if I figure it out and someone gets it right, I will give you karma, lol, But I dont have any money or prizes to give out, hahaha


So keep them coming, GUESS THAT NOISE, lol

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Interesting, the first one does sound like a sliding door, the second sounds like the whispered how noise!

Alfie started squeaking a couple of months ago, it took us a fortnight to put it together with the fridge door opening!

You'll probably hear the noise one day and it will dawn on you where she got it from. Untill then it'll just bug you!! lol!

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No I dont have Aim, And Im sorry I should have noted that the second one is me trying to mimic her, lol..The first one you hear is her, The other isnt...Sorry...So pearllyn You are right on the second one, It is a human whispering the "how" word...hahaha So I gotta give you karma for that!!!

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