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Remembrance Sunday


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I hope everybody has taken a moment to remember our fallen soldiers (from all of the allies) who have given their lives for our freedom.


Throughout my young years it was imperative in our household that we held the two minute silence, and it is something I have instilled into the children in their upbringing.


I hope also, that on Wednesday we all stop again on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month to remember again.<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/11/08 14:31

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As a youngster my three aunts (not real aunts but 3 ladies next door who were very close}were very avid church goers and I followed in there footsteps as a youngster so It was instilled in me to pay respect on remembrance sunday and it is something I will always do and not just on this one day.

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Most certainly have. I was brought up in a similar way. I think Rememberance is a tradition that should never be forgotten about.

I had my 2 minutes at the field - very peaceful and tranquil - a million miles away from what we are remembering!

So good for you Jill, for teaching your children the same.


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I also feel strongly about this. In previous years I have often worked on a Sunday and we used to "down tools" for the 2 minute silence on Rememberance Sunday. After a few years we were inundated with Portugese workers and we had this Portugese lady working for us, she must have been approaching retirement age so no exuse, she made the mistake of trying to talk to me during the 2 minutes and after several attempts at trying to ignore her I'm afraid she persisted when everyone else was silent - she felt the full force of my wrath I'm afraid. Some people have no respect, you can forgive this a little in the very young, perhaps up to age 30 but there is no excuse for others.


Good post Jill.

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I will observe your Remembrance Sunday as all of you from the UK will be doing and also on Wednesday November 11 as Americans observe Veteran's Day. We must never forget what these men and women who gave their lives so we could live in freedom did for us over the years, we owe them our very lives and at the least our gratitude.

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