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My Grey has gone off me


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Just after some advice, I have had my grey for around 9 months now and she lives with me and my partner and everything has been fine. Cybil would step up for the both of us and was happy to play with us too.


I have just been back from a 2 week business trip for just over a week and now Cybil seems terrified of me when in the cage, when I ask her to step up she clings on to the chains of her swing as if cowering. This never happened before.


When out of the cage she has a preference to go to my partner which is normal but she will also come to me too, although appears timid sometimes.


I have been on my own today and let CYbil come out of the cage by herself, she has flown to me and sat on my shoulder as i cleaned up etc and has stepped up onto my hand as i moved around. But once back in the cage she seems scared of me again.


I cannot understand it at all


Any advice anyone can give would be appreciated

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Goodness our greys can be fickle can't they?!! I can't offer an explanation Cybil, but I do know that Alfie, my female grey, seems to change her opinion of me about 20 times a day!!

Hang on, some of our other members will be along soon to offer you some advice!!


Lyn & Alfie


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Well, this is exactly the same that happened to us when we went on holiday in the summer. Harvey, at this time, was 7½ months old and would quite happily let all of us handle him (me, my husband and two teenagers).


He went to my parents' house for the holidays, where they let him out each day etc and on our return Harvey decided that it was just me he would favour. He wouldn't let my husband, or the kids, go near him.


Anyway, fast forward from July - it's not good news, things are about the same. He'll happily fly to my husband and "hang out" with him, but if he tries to stroke him, or touch him in any way he shows aggression. My husband is now getting to the point where he feels he's tried all he can (I think he feels a little rejected) and isn't too bothered about handling Harvey.


I don't know the answer - we are persevering, it's not working. I hope my husband doesn't give up though.


Anyhow, you are not alone - there's loads in the same boat - I think you just have to give Cybil some space and try gradually to regain her trust. Good Luck xx

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Something different happened while you were gone. What you may never know but something. I would just do what you did, continue let Cybil come out on her own and come to you. Hopefully whatever influenced her will fade away and all will be right as rain. Just be patient and loving! Glad you joined the forum. We would love to see some pictures of Cybil.

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A few weeks ago, I told people that I would be baby sitting my son's dog for quite a while because of different situations he was involved in. I also said that I definitely knew there would be serious trouble as soon as my birds spotted the new dog. They're totally used to my dog. He's 11 years old and they've always seen him. Sure enough, trouble started, not with all the birds but just one. It will probably take me about 4 to 5 mts before he trusts me again after the puppy is gone. I'm the one that brought the dog in and he feels that I'm causing great difficulty in the routines.

My method right now is to not be pushy with him and just leave him alone. He acts alright when out of the cage, lets me give him nuts or whatever else I give but he doesn't want to step up and squawks at me. I think you need to be patient and let him come around when he's ready. There's nothing that I can do with my bird because he's extremely angry but I expected it.

PS-that bird is 10 yrs old and I've had him since he hatched.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/11/07 22:37

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I am contending with this with my 17 year old male, i'm 4 months into having my second grey (10, female). Today he bit me pretty hard so I went and got him some more tofu to try and calm those hormones from the season change and his newly acquired flight feathers.


time heals all wounds. just keep the routines up. I've been saying pretty bird to my new girl for some time now and she's started to say it back "Talula! Pretty girl, pretty bird!" it makes me smile to hear it, but it's taken a while.

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