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I can't believe this


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Here's the e-mail she sent me back:


I am located in Copperas Cove Texas but I am willing to drive an hour in any direction for $40.

We do still have Molly, she is $350 firm w/out cage or $500 with a large cage. I can provide a small temp cage for $30.

She is cage aggressive but if she is off her cage she is sweet and will allow you to hold and pet her. She prefers men to women.

She does pluck. From what we know she was abused for the first couple years of her life. She is 9 now and we know she hasnt been treated badly for 2 years but prior to that we know she was abused just not for how long. She started plucking before we got her, by the time we got her it was a habit. We have tried to stop it but our various efforts have just stressed her out more. She actually doesn't pluck, she chews, therefore she never bleeds when she does it. She also leaves all of her down feathers so she looks like a baby bird.

She is not DNA sexed but we do believe she is a female, she may not be.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask. Thanks.

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Guest Lidia

That actually seems like quite a reasonable response to me. They seem to have tried to do their best for her, butr simply haven't succeeded. That poor bird sounds like she needs to be around people who are there all the time and can maybe let her stay shouldered most of the day so she gets out of the habit of chewing her feathers. I hope someone good takes her on.

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I will be leaving this forum as of today! Why is it that everyone assumes when a bird plucks it's ABUSED! Be kind! Just because the few of you have PERFECT birds does not at all mean that EVERYONE else has to abuse theirs if it plucks. I'm ashamed of all of you. I happen to have one and it does pluck and he's been to an Avian vet more times than any of yours probably ever were in his short life. I came here for some possible answers as to why, and I get to read this mean spirited garbage. You don't realize that feelings can be hurt. I've tried many different things to get my poor boy to stop short of medication, which I feel is cruel. I bet I can find certain things about all of you great birds that have problems of their own.

Take Care..................Jane, SIGNING OFF

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jstrelaxin wrote:

I will be leaving this forum as of today! Why is it that everyone assumes when a bird plucks it's ABUSED! Be kind! Just because the few of you have PERFECT birds does not at all mean that EVERYONE else has to abuse theirs if it plucks. I'm ashamed of all of you. I happen to have one and it does pluck and he's been to an Avian vet more times than any of yours probably ever were in his short life. I came here for some possible answers as to why, and I get to read this mean spirited garbage. You don't realize that feelings can be hurt. I've tried many different things to get my poor boy to stop short of medication, which I feel is cruel. I bet I can find certain things about all of you great birds that have problems of their own.

Take Care..................Jane, SIGNING OFF



You could've done that a little more politely, but whatever. The bird HAS been abused, do you want me to highlight it in the e-mail the owner sent me?


She does pluck. From what we know she was abused for the first couple years of her life. She is 9 now and we know she hasnt been treated badly for 2 years but prior to that we know she was abused just not for how long. She started plucking before we got her, by the time we got her it was a habit. We have tried to stop it but our various efforts have just stressed her out more. She actually doesn't pluck, she chews, therefore she never bleeds when she does it. She also leaves all of her down feathers so she looks like a baby bird.


I still don't think it is right to have a bird at home if your life involves that much traveling. icon_rolleyes.gif



I'm done ranting. K-THNX

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Jane, I'm very sorry you are upset with the members here. I know no one meant any harm. Everyone is just feeling concerned for that grey.

I didn't see any posts actually accusing this family of abusing that bird. Some of the members felt badly for the bird, and wanted to see it have a stable home with the extra care & attention it needs to help overcome the abuse it suffered prior to that family acquiring him. This family is unable to do that because of all the traveling they do. At least that is my take on the posts here.

I believe that once plucking has started due to stress, or abuse, and is allowed to continue, it becomes a habit. (I'm sure someone here will correct me if I'm wrong.)


I hate to see you leave here over misunderstandings. I think if you reread these posts, you will find that perhaps you interpreted them differently than they were intended.


I'm sorry your grey does pluck it's feathers. You seem like you've done everything possible to find out the cause & help him. I commend you for that.

I understand there can be other reasons for plucking as well, and sometimes not. Best wishes, Penny

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In a way I know where you are coming from. (If your still here) I have a plucker to and have done all I can. For the most part he has stopped but every spring Ill find some feathers. He came to me plucked.

Other then having no body feathers he is healthy and content.

Im sorry you felt that people were being mean. I never saw that and having a plucker I too am sensitive to the cruel remarks people can make about plucking being the owners fault.

But sometimes it just happens.

I hope you rethink your decision and stay with us. We can learn a lot from each other.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/07/27 03:57

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jstrelaxin wrote:

I will be leaving this forum as of today! Why is it that everyone assumes when a bird plucks it's ABUSED! Be kind! Just because the few of you have PERFECT birds does not at all mean that EVERYONE else has to abuse theirs if it plucks. I'm ashamed of all of you. I happen to have one and it does pluck and he's been to an Avian vet more times than any of yours probably ever were in his short life. I came here for some possible answers as to why, and I get to read this mean spirited garbage. You don't realize that feelings can be hurt. I've tried many different things to get my poor boy to stop short of medication, which I feel is cruel. I bet I can find certain things about all of you great birds that have problems of their own.

Take Care..................Jane, SIGNING OFF


My take on your RANT is a alot different then Talons. She is the "good cop" and I am the "bad one"


Is this how you act Jane? You have a disagreement with the tone of a thread and already you're running away... So you think you are gonna find a forum that you won't have any disagreements in.. That everyone in that forum thinks like Jane? I am surprised at you.. I really am.. If you think you are gonna find a place with a more caring bunch of people.. good luck....


One thing I do know. Running away from something as minor as this isn't making you look so good.. Why don't you take a breath and tell us how you really feel. Ask why your Grey Plucks.. I bet we can find the answer for you... and wouldn't that be so much better then you getting angry over the fact your bird plucks and run away from the very group of people most likely able to help you fix the problem?


The fact of the matter is Greys Pluck for many reasons.. First and foremost is mistreatment.. and that would include poor diet, poor cleaning, poor bathing habits, bordom, lack of interaction with the owner or flock leader, yelling at the bird and on and on.. You can't deny this.. It is a known fact.. and oh yeah.. There are a few other reasons not related to mistreatment of some sort.. Perhaps your case is one of those remote reasons..


By taking the stand you have you make me think that you are guilty of something.. Know why? Because if you cared for your bird you wouldn't be effected by someone acusing another of mistreating their bird.. What in the world does that have to do with HOW YOU TREAT YOUR BIRD.. Why such a guilt trip Jane? rethink your position.. No One wants to see you leave here.. and that includes me FIRST.<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/07/27 07:00

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Tari wrote:

He came to me plucked.

Other then having no body feathers he is healthy and content.


And this could never be considered your fault Tari.. Like Talon stated, Once started it becomes a habit.. sort of a mental problem that is way difficult to fix.. So in your case I know you are not mistreating that bird.. But what do we know of the previous owner that did have the plucking start.. Not much I bet.. or we know that there was mistreatment at some level going on.. The fact is if you have a happy, well adjusted, properly fed, bathed, loved, socialized, and a million other "healthy" factors you don't have a plucker to start with...

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jstrelaxin wrote:

I will be leaving this forum as of today! Why is it that everyone assumes when a bird plucks it's ABUSED! Be kind! Just because the few of you have PERFECT birds does not at all mean that EVERYONE else has to abuse theirs if it plucks. I'm ashamed of all of you. I happen to have one and it does pluck and he's been to an Avian vet more times than any of yours probably ever were in his short life. I came here for some possible answers as to why, and I get to read this mean spirited garbage. You don't realize that feelings can be hurt. I've tried many different things to get my poor boy to stop short of medication, which I feel is cruel. I bet I can find certain things about all of you great birds that have problems of their own.

Take Care..................Jane, SIGNING OFF



I wanted to welcome you to the forum and now it seems we have to say goodbye instead? :(

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Guest Lidia


No one thinks that! Plucking is something that could happen to anyone's bird and we all know it. I understand why you're upset, and I hope you don't leave. We were discussing this one bird who is up for sale, not your bird, whom I am certain you love and care for.

Please don't leave.

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As others have already posted, we do not think a grey owner with a feather plucking Grey is at fault.


It is a known issue with them that perplexes the best of owners and at times can never be stopped.


You did indeed come to the right place to receive great advice from Grey owners here that have faced or even still live with Feather Plucking.


You will find if you would just spend one second and perform a search for feather plucking on this forum, that everyone here supports the owners, gives good advise and they do so with compassion and empathy for the Owner of a Grey that is experiencing it.


I think, the out call for you stay as a member of our family here. Is a showing of our care, compassion and empathy for you and your Grey.

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See these are the birds I like...I love babies, but there is something so refreshing about knowing you're showing a Grey that people aren't such a bad thing, and give them a second chance. I sure hope that poor baby ends up in the right hands! Wish I lived in TX and had the room!

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i have had pepsi a few months now and she was plucking feathers before i got her and i have done alsorts to try and stop her it just seems that she has a habit cause apart from that she is happy and playful and not biting me asmuch i have had some great advice here and i keep trying dont be to angry it is frustrating but sometimes no 1 is to blame i get frustrated but i hope that she will stop i bought new toys to try and keep her busy i carry her around with me bought her the feather plucking spray,vitamins,she wont eat fruit or veg tho i keep trying maybe its that but the point is i keep trying and take advice when its giving to me anything that might help so i thank u all cause u have been nothing but helpful to me

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Deedee, maybe, one time, with all the suggestions given here and implemented - she'll stop doing it, all of a sudden or gradually. One of my daughters love birds plucked his (or her) tail all the time, we didn't know what to do and tried everything and then.......... he (or she) suddenly decided she'd stop and stopped.


I don't know how to explain this, but this is what happened.

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