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Meet Scooter and me

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Hi, my name is Brad Selig. I am from Indiana. I just recently got my first African Grey. He is a 10 year old named Scooter (he came with the name). He was from an older couple who had him since he was a baby. The husband had to be put into a nursing home and the wife just didnt have the time to care for him anymore. So they took him to a local pet store to sell on consignment. He was there a total of 5 days I believe


I have had him for a total of 2 days now. He seems to be adjusting well. I am not pushing him and letting him get used to me at his own pace. Today was the first day that he came to me and "cuddled"! It was really neat!


The original owners had him on a pelleted diet of Zupreem Naturals supplimented with fresh veggies and fruits. The pet store has since started giving him a mixture of Zupreem natural and the fruit version as well as giving a little bit of seed (also giving fruits and veggies).


I am currently continuing the diet the pet store had him on with the exception of the seed. I am afraid that he is going to get hooked on it and stop eating his pelleted food. I had a Nanday conure in the past that was fed strictly seed prior to me getting him and it was near impossible to get the little bugger to eat pelleted.


So anyways, he is coming around wonderfully! He says Hello and does a wide range of whistles! He is awesome.


I do have one concern and have already let the pet store know for potential refund since they guaranteed health. His one eye appears to have a problem. Looks like an ulcer or the start of cataracts. It is clouding with a spot in the middle. If I look at the eye front on, it looks like there is a dent in it. To me its a concern! Not so much the pet store. They said if it gets worse then let them know, otherwise, dont worry about it!


I feel he needs vet visit to potentially save his vision! So I am calling local exotic vet to get an appointment.


Well didnt mean for it to be such a long post! I look forward to learning as much as I can on this forum and meeting all the members.



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Hello Brad and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Scooter.


Thanks goodness he didn't have to spend much time at the pet store, even though they are supposed to know what they are doing some birds are subjected to mistreatment while in their care, maybe unintentional but ignorance is no excuse.


You are to be commended for taking in this grey, most people would rather have a baby grey and not one that may be set in his ways and sometimes with extra baggage.


Be sure to give him plenty of time to settle into his new home and to learn to trust you as it will take a little longer with a 10 year old bird.


Your avian vet would be the one to talk to about his eye and if he has not been seen in quite a while then he needs the checkup to see if he is healthy.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of Scooter you would share with us we would love to see them.

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Welcome and Scooter!!


It's GreYt having you here. :-)


I hope when the time comes that we must find our Grey a new and qualified "forever home" as we come close to passing on, that they will agree to take him unconditionally and provide all the freedom we have and love. If they won't, we will keep searching until that correct person is found. I have also prepared a journal of his life, that includes how he was raised and what he expects and how he interacts according to the world and people he knows.


That Grey is a wonderful bird that has obviously been loved dearly and treated as a family member. You are lucky to have found such a well trained and friendly bird.


If you find it in yourself to love him unconditionally. The affected eye would become invisible to you. That grey will get along just fine whether the eye needs treatment or possibly he becomes blind in it.


I certainly would recommend taking him to a vet and have it checked out. The earlier something is addressed, the better the outcome. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.

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Thanks for the warm welcome! I don't care if he is one eyed or not, I just worry that he is not in pain. And if I can save the eye than great! He will not be going back to the pet store ever, no matter what the eye does.


One of the biggest challenges I have stumbled across since having him is trying to determine what he wants and what he is doing. He really doesn't talk much, but whistles up a storm. He will do a click and the ring his bell right after (he came with the cage the previous owners had him in). It sounds like a clicker you use for training so I am curious if he was trained with a clicker?


I am going to have the pet store if the owners my number in the hopes of them calling and being able to talk about him, his personality, likes, dislikes, etc. As of right now I feel lost but he seems to be coping very well!


Thanks again and I will gwt pictures posted of him tonight hopefully

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bradselig wrote:

I am going to have the pet store if the owners my number in the hopes of them calling and being able to talk about him, his personality, likes, dislikes, etc. As of right now I feel lost but he seems to be coping very well!


I hope they can do that for you. I have no doubt that it broke the owners heart to let him go and they probably fret over his future life. I know I do and would in that situation. :-)


They will be able to pass on volumes of his life to you that will prove invaluable to you and your Greys future happiness. Praying this happens!!! :-)

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Hi Brad and Scooter, and welcome to the forum.

Karma to you Brad for taking on an older bird.

As the others have said, a trip to the vet at this stage is well worth it to get a full health check.

Trying to get in touch with the previous owners is a great idea, and as Dan said, would most likely be appreciated by them, as well as being of benefit to you and Scooter.

I hope his eye isn't too serious, and I'm sure you and he have many happy years ahead!


Lyn & Alfie




P.s. We do love photos here, so would love to see some if you get a minute!!

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Thanks again for all the help. We have a vet appointment for next Thursday in the morning. Hopefully it is something they can help.


Here is what all of you were waiting for!







And here are some comparison pictures of his eyes.


Badeye.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: bradselig, at: 2009/11/07 02:57

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I got the pictures back up. Let me know if anyone has any ideas on the eye. From the way he acts, I think he may already be blind in it or atleast very reduced vision. He doesnt react when i take my finger and act like I am going to touch his eye like he does on his other. Also, If I approach that side with my hand to pet him, it seems to startle him and he will jump. So I have started to tell him I am going to pet him. He seems to do a lot better when he knows it is coming.

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What a good looking Grey. He seems enthralled with you and the attention. :-)


It does appear he is completely blind in that eye. Hopefully the vet will be able to determine exactly what has caused this.


Did you have any luck getting a number for the previous owner?


It's wonderful you have already picked up on using his intelligence to warn of your hand coming from the blind side. I'm positive he appreciates that deeply as well.


Thanks for getting the photo links active again. :-)

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Scooter is a gorgeous grey.I hope the vet can help with his eye.It does sound like Scooter has taken to you.It would be fantastic if you could talk to his previous owners,they have clearely taken care of him and spent a lot of time on him.Please let us know what the vet has to say.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/11/07 14:15

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Well, just got back from the vet. He said Scooter has a clean bill of health! As far as the eye, he said there really isnt much we can do for it. He thinks it is from trauma of some sort, which has caused his eye to not be able to regulate the amount of fluid in the eye. Sometimes the eye looks shriveled and others it becomes cone shaped. He said if it goes Cone shape and stays that way, we can do eye drops to help that.


So over all, it went great. Scooter did very well.


Scooter is coming along very well, too. When he doesnt want to do something, he has gone from biting and breaking skin to just mouthing me and pushing my hand away! It seems like everyday he does something new or says something new. The other day I was taking a shower and all of a sudden started to hear the Andy Griffith Theme song! He says "hello" in 2 different "voices". Has said "pretty bird".


I have ordered him a playstand and should be getting it next week. Cant wait to get it and give him something more to do!<br><br>Post edited by: bradselig, at: 2009/11/12 15:49

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