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Bismark Silliness Videos


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Hey everyone!


Just a quick update...Bismark and I have been doing very well. Despite my busy schedule, he always seems like the happiest bird. He babbles all the time, and recently it has become quite varied, sounds I've never heard before. His cuddling has increased as well - aaahhh he's cute!! Coming home from work is such a treat!


His blood work came back disease free - and he is officially a male! Phew, it would have been an adjustment for me to starting referring to him as a she haha.


Anyway, I uploaded a couple clips of him on youtube for anyone that wishes to view.



Bismark Trying To Bathe In His Bowl






Bismark Tongue Tied



He makes the funniest "ooooooohh" noise sometimes!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyd87vvtY_Y<br><br>Post edited by: snakeopus, at: 2009/11/05 05:32

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He so cute its great that you got your boy and that he's healthy thats always a big relief I glad your enjoying him it only gets better and better. I don't know how I ever got along before my birds came into my life they are a tremendous joy they make me laugh everyday and what is like without laughter.

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Loved the videos, especially the bathing one. Dorian does the exact same thing. I've found that if I have a spray bottle filled partly with aloe vera juice and part water handy, I can really get Dorian soaked, more than I can if I initiate the shower. Try it next time you see Bismark trying to bathe. Bet you can get him truly soaked, and a dripping wet grey is a very cute thing:).

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