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Salad Bar


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I just wanted to share this...


It's been difficult to get Harrison to eat her veggies so we've been getting pellets that are made from veggies but I've always known it's not as good as fresh veggies. So, my husband and I went to a salad bar at a health food store the other day...I thought..."why not get a little bit of everything and try it with Harrison"...so I did. It's already washed and chopped...there was a ton of stuff. I've never seen her at her food dish for so long. I got some different kinds of fruit too. She really likes strawberries. In fact, she smells like strawberries. In the past, I've purchased big things of different kinds of lettuce, broccoli, beans, etc, etc, etc (it's the only way those things come, you can't just buy a little at a time)...they would go to waste before she'd eat it all or she wouldn't eat them at all. This just has a little of all kinds of stuff so hopefully it won't go to waste...anyway, I just wanted to share...you guys probably already do this, I'm a little slow on the uptake ;)


P.S. I got some regular ol mushrooms but haven't given her any yet, I was thinking I read they are bad...no? Yes? I can't remember now.

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Heather, no mushrooms, they are on the no-no list. I think we have a thread that has a list of foods that are forbidden. Please don't give her any.


Thanks for the salad bar idea, I hadn't thought of that, and I know what you mean, you can't just buy a little of this and that at the grocery store. I am going to try that sometime, but I live nearly 20 miles from the nearest restaurant with a salad bar, I live out in the country.:)

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I work for a hospital and we have a salad bar and mixed fruit in our Cafetera. I've started buying the fruit in small portions. It's already chopped up and clean so it's much easier for me. It's also a much cheaper way to get Bond her fruit and I don't have a lot of wasted anymore. I've seen salad bars at my local grocrey stores and thought I should try that, now I'm going to...Thanks for the tips...Always learn so much here..

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Thank you, Judy, for reminding me about the mushrooms. I took them out of the salad mix. I didn't give her any...I was waiting to hear if it was ok or not. I was thinking it was ok for regular mushrooms but not ok for some other kind of mushroom...I don't know what I was thinking. :blink: Harrison is having fun with all the different tastes, textures, and colors. Even if she doesn't actually swallow it, it's something different at least.

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