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Koko laughs at my wife


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My wife was preparing breakfast in the kitchen this morning. She was taken by surprise by Mocha who flew to the kitchen out of sudden. Mocha is always caged as he is banned from flying freely in the house. Our naughty Koko opened the door of the cage for Mocha to fly out.

My wife had to run forth and back to get Mocha back into the cage. As my wife was putting Mocha back into the cage, Koko laughed, "Hehehehehe". Koko must be thinking it was funny.:evil:<br><br>Post edited by: dhorje, at: 2009/11/05 01:51

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Koko didn't think it was funny - he thought it was hysterical. Here he had engineered his morning enjoyment by opening Mocha's cage and letting him get out, then watching as your wife went about getting Mocha back into his cage. The laughter you heard was probably the same as that of an evil scientist watching an experiment come to life...lol.

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