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African Grey Agression Problem!


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Hi there. Was wondering if anyone could help me solve my african grey problem!


We bought him as a rescue when he was 4 years old. We do not know the background of him.

He wants to play and come out the cage alot, but he will only let one family member touch him and everyone else he is VERY agressive to and bites us.


Do you have any suggestions to stop this? Thanks



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Hi Megan and welcome to the forum. It is very natural that a grey chooses one person as its "favourite".


My grey, Harvey, particularly likes me and no matter what my husband and kids do - he still tries to "beak" them - it's not a bite, more a warning.


You will just have to persevere in the hope that he will accept more members of the family - although there will only be "one true love".


You don't say how long you have had your grey - but perhaps a bit of a background would be helpful. :)

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We really don't know any background of him, but we think he may of been in a pet shop in the past as everytime we walk by his cage he makes a ''beep'' noise like a doorbell.So mabie some kids have been mean to him and poked him through the cage. We've had him for about 2 months now and we thought this would pass, but he just seems to become more agressive!



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Well done for adopting an older grey - it's not something a lot of people could do (and if I were to be honest, I don't think it is something I could do).


You will get a lot of advice on here from members who have rescued their babies with great results - just hang in there - they will be around soon (we're obviously all in different time zones) ;)

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Congratulations on adopting a Grey!


Normally a peep or beep when you walk by or in is a call to "Let me outta Here". :-)


As others said, they usually have a favorite and since it's hasn't been too long, that could change to another person.


All others will be at a different level of permissions with him and that may or may not include step ups or other interactions that only that one favored person can do. The others can expect a bite and must learn his body language and boundaries.


Just have everyone try and offer treats and take part in giving food, cleaning cage etc. so your new Grey can see all as part of a functioning and happy flock.


Looking of forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Like the others have said, time and patience is the key to winning your way to handling a grey. He will pick his favorite, and that can change tomorrow. Congrats on the new addition and what you see as a problem really isn't, you're learning about your grey's personality!

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Like the others have said, greys tend to pick a favorite person who they will allow to touch and interact with and everyone else has to keep a distance but that doesn't mean that the others are left out completely.


Give him more time to feel comfortable, two months is not that long a time when you are working with an african grey who is 4 years old, he needs to learn to trust the others and they can be the ones to give him treats. They should continue to talk to him and let him see what they are doing but the should not force themselves on him, let him dictate when he is ready for more personal interaction.

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Patience and Tofu.


Fry the tofu (I get it for $2 a package at wole foods) with cayanne or another pepper your bird likes until crispy on both sides. a pack lasts over a month with one-cube-a-day dosing to my male.


Dr. Irene Pepperberg used this with her first parrot Alex during the early years of her intelligence experiments to tame the moodiness of a male in the winter. Might help here too.

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Megan.. On top of what the experts have opined, I would like to add something from my personal experience.


Chikki used to be aggressive to all except me once he was out of his honeymoon period.. my elder brother really loves him and received a few nasty nips initially when he used to handle chikki.. the same was the case with my younger brother.. I was off to the US for 2 weeks and my brothers took care of chikki.. except for day 1 seems chikki behaves to them very well.. in fact my younger brother managed to bath him when i was away.. and since then his aggression towards both my brothers have come down drastically.. my wife is still in the hitlist though :))..


So something that I have inferred from my experience is, if you let your Grey have one on one time with others and you stay away for a day or two, that might help build the bond between your grey and others..


Atleast that worked for me!!

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The most important resource when re homing an older grey is patience. If he did come from a pet store, like my Dorian did, that could explain his aggression toward hands. I've seen people do some truly brainless and mean things to birds in our store, even when they knew I could see them. You have to give your bird time to get over that baggage, and time in the life of a grey is measured more often in months and years rather than days and weeks.


You said he likes to play. How does he play, by himself with a toy, or with you? You want him to associate good things and good feelings with being and interacting with his flock. Find favourite things, and then limit his access to them for when a less favoured human is around. For example, Dorian loves walnuts, shredding paper,and ringing bells. If I have to put him in his cage when he doesnt want to go I give him a walnut and lots of praise once he is in. If I have made a new toy and he's leary of it, I've learned he'll approach it faster if there's a bell on it somewhere. Sometimes you have to try 100 things before you find what works with your bird. It's all about getting to know and trust each other. Have fun discovering who this new flock member is!

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