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Ear wax in Greys?


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I was cuddling him last night and noticed this hard crusty area over his ear. I gently scraped it away and it was a bunch of tiny feathers stuck together. I pulled it apart and it was like earwax. Smelled like popcorn. With earwax and people it is a result of persperation, could it be the same with birds and we don't normally notice it because they usually scratch it off themselves? Anybody know?

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To my knowledge, greys do not have earwax. At least not to the extent that you described I think. Is it possible that it was a bit of foodstuff that he had gotten onto his face near his ear? Does it appear that it's coming from the ear interior? If it is the latter, I would get in touch with an avian vet to ask. How is his behavior/demeanor otherwise?<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/11/04 20:35

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Thank you, I will keep a close eye on him. I am sure he is fine. But you never know. We almost lost him as a baby. He started throwing up, as a result of a infected crop. My husband was hand feeding him and the food had gone bad. Had to go through lots of antibiotics to clear it up. At first I thought he was trying to feed me like my other Grey did, but this was slime. I am so happy it all worked out the way it did and we still have him after 14 years. They are very suttle in some of their illnesses and that one we almost missed. So with the "earwax" I guess I panicked. Thanks again for your ideas.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

just wondering if u have had any more goodies come out of ur birds ear. we would all like to know. ;) has the mystery beeen solved?

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So far nothing else has come out of Willows ear. I swear that it was earwax though :laugh: Though I can't prove it. It was weird, but he seems to be alright otherwise. I was so afraid because we don't have an avian vet anywhere around here. I have been very lucky that we have not needed one other than when he was a baby, and we had a very good vet on Vancouver Island at the time. Thanks for your inquiry to his mysterious affliction.:blush: :whistle:

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