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Rebel is picking again.....


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Her feathers were growing in so nicely and now she's plucking at them again.


The only thing that I have changed is that I've blocked the door so the dog can't get in that room.


Can she possible miss the company of the dog?


Do I need to let Aussie have access to that room again?


This zoo of mine is gonna kill me yet!!!




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Complicated. Has she seen the vet and been given a clean bill of health? Did they do blood work to check for staph? I've read that some birds may pluck due to staph infection, only to spread it via the beak.


My Talula started plucking but it seems out of resentment to a change in routine one night. Also she has dry skin and the pinfeathers are painful to her, so the vet says.


Try aloe juice (if you can't find that, it's a product, get regular aloe gel and mix it 50/50 with water in a misting bottle) and give her a shower once a week... that should help with softening the feathers and the regeneration process.


Also spoil her a little, and give her lots of other things to tear up in the cage. pine cones are a favorite of mine. as are mini pumpkins (cut in half) and anything red/orage colored and wooden.

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Her vet check was good, nothing is wrong with her. I give her lots of things to play with. Her favorite right now is adding maching tape. She did run out of that the other day and I haven't replaced it yet, but I didn't plan to give it to her all the time.


She gets box tops and all of the shredded paper from work goes home with me for her. I fill the paper box tops with it and she dives in.


I soaked her in aloe juice last night (she wasn't very happy about that).


Where can I get bird safe pine cones from? That sounds like something she would enjoy.



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I get mine from a coworker who refuses to use petrochemicals in her lawn. So I know they are safe. I wanted to get them from my work (lots of pine trees) BUT I saw the Orkin man out spraying the grounds and quickly said "no" to that idea.


I'd ask around, friends family neighbors coworkers, and see who has pine cones and who DOES NOT use herbacites/pesticides in their yard. Ask if you can collect them for your parrot, most are happy to see them go.

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Here's the issue with Aussie.


My bird room was at first the kitty room. I had the room so the door could be kept close. I installed a kitty door so when Aussie decided he wanted to chase a cat, they had a safe escape and could run through the kitty door and sit back and laugh when the giant German Shepherd crashed into the door because he slides to a stop on the wood floor. Lots of THUDS down that hallway. But it was the kitty safe haven.


That being said, the kitty boxes are in there.


Well, when Rebel came home it became a shared room. Now I never close that door because I don't want Rebel locked up in a closed room.


Aussie however has taken to helping me clean...(the litter box)... and it's really gross!!


Now I have a slider type set up so it's open completely at the top and at the side enough for the cats to get in there.


I don't have anywhere else to put the litter boxes where Aussie can't get to them.


If Rebel really misses the Dog, I guess I'll just have to brush Aussie's teeth every night!! Rebel does love feeding him her leftovers and stuff she doesn't like. Aussie keeps the bird seed and pellet pretty well cleaned up too!!


I love my zoo!!!



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When we had a large dog and two cats, I got a large wicker box-like chest. It was turned at an angle into a corner and had an entry for the cats cut out on the side towand the wall. The cats had light and privacy in there. They would hop right up and scoot behind it. It was too tall for the dog to get behind it. The best part was the top was hinged, so it made it easy to clean. You will find a happy compromise for everyone. Good luck.

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