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I was browsing an old thread of about 8-9 months ago (I think) regarding the general safety of microwaves and the safety of using one for cooking/warming of your parrot's food. I'm pretty paranoid at the best of times about smells and such entering the room my fids are in from the kitchen which has no door but this is a new concern. I use my microwave every day for various things, mainly for warming food and a couple of times a week this food is for the parrots ie. scrambled egg or jacket potato. What I would like to know is do others use their microwave for this reason and is it safe? Does anyone not use their microwave because of safety concerns? I've always understood that a microwave works by the vibration of liquid contained in the food - the friction causing the heat, is this correct?


It seems to me that the average household is a lethal environment for a parrot and that we ought to think before using any cleaner or piece of eqipment - or am I just paranoid?

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No your not paranoid at all. I am exactly the same as you.

I use to use my microwave to prepare some of their food, but i don't anymore. I do their scrambled egg in a non stick metal pan now, or they have boiled ones. I cook their veg in an old fashioned steamer. It may take a little longer and be a bit more messy, but the benefits outweigh tne risks. The only cleaning fluid i use near them is cage disinfectant, its more expensive, but worth it. I think it's better to be safe than sorry.

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Sorry to say - but the parrot would go before my microwave!!! ;)


You're not paranoid Julie - just caring and wanting the best for Beau and Argyle.


The microwave was introduced into our lives to make things easier - we all live in a busy world and the microwave assists in speeding up processes (including cooking parrot food)!!


When I was a kid there was all of the furore about microwaves and what it can do to you (both through radiation and through the microwaved element of food) - but look at me - I'm fit and healthy and have been a fanatic of microwave jacket potatoes and microwaved baked beans through my student life (there was only the grated cheese that wasn't microwaved)!


There are so many things we do to make our homes safe - and I am ultra sure you are doing all necessary - so don't worry about the microwave!


PS. My disclaimer is that this is not based on any scientific fact!!!<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/11/04 13:22

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You are exactly right, food does end up with hot spots while other spots may be only warm, if you do use the microwave for birdie foods please stir it and then make sure it is not too hot for them.


BTW, since they invented the microwave I find that I couldn't live without it now, so handy and quick.

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The Microwave is perfectly safe as long as you follow the items mentioned by all the others that posted here.


I use it for defrosting and heating up veggies and foods for my birds. The hotspots are well known and are over come by simply stirring and also letting cool until warm to the touch.


My Grey learned a sentence over a year ago and says it every time I cook something in it.... "Just wait, it's Hot!"..."Just a minute!" He knows what HOT is and has used it to tell me when he becomes hot outside, he will say "Dayo Hot" ..."Wanna go inside".


So my theory is between the brain power of human and bird, it can be safe. :P<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/11/04 21:25

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