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Suddenly doesn't want to come out?


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Ash is now over one year old. We've taught her "wanna come out?" and she'll come to the front of the cage and I'll give her the "up" command.


About a week ago, she would hide in the back of the cage if I came near the door, and she won't come out. She'll try to bite. I'll leave the cage door open and walk away. Sometimes she'll come out, most of the time she won't.


Any thoughts? This is a brief intro. I can answer additional questions.



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I guess you haven't changed anything that you can see that might lead to this behaviour. Otherwise, like the others say just leave her to decide if she wants to come out. You can always try and bribe her to come out by showing her a nice juicy treat and then asking her to step up for it. Bribery is #1 on my list.


My kea can be a little missus when coming out of the cage sometimes. One day she will step up for me and the next she will look at me like, take that hand away otherwise you will lose it. On those days I just leave the door open and let her decide and make her own way out. Much less stressful.<br><br>Post edited by: Jane08, at: 2009/11/04 14:12

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Hi rjhammy.

Are there any changes or additions to Ashes room? Or to yourself?

Some Greys can be easily spooked by the most unlikely things.

Misty Parrot is generally very tolerant of most things but when I brought in a small sunflower head for him he regarded it as a monster from hell and freaks if i bring it anywhere near him.

I suspect that something is worrying him.


Steve n Misty

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Ash is just growing up. Open the door and let her decide whether to come out or not. Just like people some times our greys just "want to be alone." My Ana Grey only gets nuts when she comes out of her cage. If I say "want a nut" she can't get over to me soon enough. It's something we have done from day one.

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The others have given good thoughts.


It does seem either something changed in the surroundings or you did something your Grey didn't like. Most would jump at the chance of getting out of that cage.


They may not want help out sometimes. This changed as our grey grew older, but most times he will step up. But, unless something has changed, they normally want out. :-)

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