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I need help...PLEASE!


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I have had my Grey "Doc" for nearly ten years. He just turned ten years old and I have had him since he was 6 months old. I havent been able to take him out of his cage for the last month to month and a half because when I try and get him out he bites me so hard he draws blood. And now suddenly in the past week he has started plucking. I dont know where this is coming from. During old times when I would take him out he would get so excited to be out with me he would hypervenilate almost. His wings would drop and he was happy as heck. But now I cant even get close to him. I was even getting him alot more tolerable around my young step children. The only thing I can think of is about three weeks ago I got my six year old stepson a Cockatiel. But his biting started before that. I am almost to the point of giving him up because I feel bad for him like he is not living the life he should be able to. All help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you...

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He needs to get out of his cage, thats what has started the plucking. Hes had 10 years of freedom then suddenly locked in all the time. Can you pin point a reason he started biting after so long? If you are afraid of him after so long with no previous problems you need professional help with him.

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Why not open his door and allow him to come out when he so wishes? Spring and Autumn are the months your parrot's behaviour changes and your parrot may be feeling frisky so it may be advisable for you not to try touching him so why not offer him a perch or a stick to step onto, if he does come out he will surely go back on his own when he gets hungry. Give it another month or two and if the behaviour continues then maybe seek advice from your vet, no need to visit just give him/her a call.


Don't give up just yet and Good luck!

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First I would have him checked over by a vet,I always feel any change in behaviour like this warrants a vet check.If the vet finds all is ok then it can be addressed as behavioural.Have a very good think about any changes at all to his living environment or yourself.

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You have had almost 10 years with Doc. You know his likes, dislikes, moods and personality. If Doc were my grey and I was concerned about his behavior, I would set up an avian vet appointment and have him checked out, especially if he has not been to the vet for awhile. Many believe that a bird plucks when something is wrong either physically or environmentally so think about what has changed for Doc and go from there.

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As others have mentioned. Just open the cage and let him come out on his own. There could be many dynamics at work here between the new bird and perhaps people in the house. Being left in the cage is just frustrating him more.


How long is he out of the cage per day when you have let him out?


Any new items added to the room or near the cage?


Something definitely started this, if you have had a good relationship for 10 years with him.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/11/04 21:30

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jamalbirdbiz wrote:

When Molly gets to biting I just ware three pairs of gloves and give her pine nuts. Just a thought.


NEVER WEAR GLOVES to interact with your Grey!! Thats the owrst advice I have seen given. It would ruin the trust and relationship very quickly.

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Thank you everyone for your suggestions. There has been no real changes in the house. There is no specific amount of time that I took him out of the cage. It is less than when I was single due to having two small kids in the house but it has been at this pace for like 2-3 years. I will work with him and see how it goes. If the situation persists, I will seek vet attention. thank you again everyone....

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Your grey does need out of cage time so just open his door and allow him to come out on his own, leave his food and water inside hiscage and he will have to go back inside for it.


I agree with the others, something has changed or happened that he is uncomfortable with you handling him now, you should know him pretty well since you have had him for 10 years. He is fully mature now and maybe he just doesn't want to go along with everything you are doing with him now, sometimes my grey will not want me to get her as soon as she comes out of her cage so I allow her to stay on top or on the playstand on the side until later when she is more receptive. They have minds of their own and sometimes they need to be left to themselves so don't force yourself on him if he wants otherwise.


I really do think he may be plucking because he is being kept inside his cage all the time so allow him to spend some time out of cage and see if things improve. Please keep us informed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, thank you all for your help. I am very impressed with this community. There has been some change. It looks as if the plucking has stopped. Before it looked like two inches of snow on the floor, now it is just the normal white fluffy feathers scattered about. As for taking him out of the cage I have to be honest that I guess I am scared to. I know that sounds bad from a 36 year old man, But his bite hurts and routiniely draws blood. Some say just to open the door, but when I go to put him back...CHOMP. I am so frustrated because before we were like best friends. Now he was never the cuddly type, But he enjoyed being with me. Now...I just dont know and I dont know what to do....

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It's such a shame that you now can't handle Doc. It must be terrible for you after such a good relationship. As Janet has said, if you have got enough time to let him out for a good period to see if he will go back - give it a go.


Harvey returns to his cage all through the day - not into it because he's got everything outside - but if Doc's food and water were in there - perhaps he would go back - I'm really feeling for you - it must be awful.


Persevere though - your beautiful bird is still your baby ;)

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I hope this is a good idea...


I read somewhere (here?) that one solution to this would be to make him feel as if he has a choice in things.


Let me explain.


If he won't come out of the cage when you ask him to, tell him you'll get Mr. Towel.


take him out with the towel (cover his body and set him down somewhere LOWER than you so he has to step up, this may backfire if flighted) and then scold Mr. Towel....


My greys are both very famailar with Mr. Towel from the vet and when my male gets hormonally moody in the winter and won't step from his cage top, door or swing in his cage to my hand I just say "Mr. Towel" and 8 out of 10 times the foot pops up, and if not I just pickup Mr. Towel and the foot comes up.


You've got reason to be wary of the bite but also I feel that bites come with the territory of having a grey.


One of mine is trained to go back into the cage on command, the other I have to pickup. She has bitten me many times in our 4 months together, usually when I ask her to step up to go to bed at night. She's a little defiant diva.


I hope it all works out for you. Something has certainly changed in his mind, even if it isn't evident to you. Once you can figure out what it is you can work to move beyond it.


Also, as nutty as it sounds, try frying up tofu cubes with hot peppers. I bet he'll like that, the tofu should help to curb the winter time hormones. Should, it worked for Dr. Pepperberg and it has made improvements with my stubborn little boy.


Also if he's not seen the vet, I'd advise him go in and have the beak trimmed at the least. The vet may be able to check for any diseases or conditions that may be bothering him.


I'm with you as my female is 10 an she is a plucker from an abusive home. She screams and ducks/huddles down when anything flies above her head -- the window wipers in the car, your arm, a cat jumping over the sofa... leading me to believe she's been struck in the past (and thats part of why she bites). If I have to take it for the team for her to trust humans again, I'm ok with that.


You're a dad of what sounds like many kids, so you've got what it takes to stick this out! Karma for the man :)


also if your scared of him he is picking up on that, he senses it, and he'll manipulate you with it. perhaps you need to be more ... agressive.. or at least strong willed and consistent with your picking up/interactions with him.


Example: talula used to bite cuticals. Then I decided to use a topical numbing agent on my thumb (what she would bite) and let it soak in for a while (to ensure she wouldn't come in contact with it) and then started to work with her... she's chomp down on the thumb, it bled, but I didn't feel anything. I kept saying that won't work bad little girl. She's since not bitten me on the thumb. She has bitten others, but thats because they went "ouch"... if she gets a reaction from you, she'll keep doing it.


they're smart like that.<br><br>Post edited by: ecodweeb, at: 2009/11/18 21:01

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For birds in general biting seems to be addictive. Once they find that they can manipulate you so they can accomplish their goal it can be difficult to unlearn. They get a great reaction when they bite an OW! or a physical reaction and they like the drama. These birds are masters of Drama. I would suggest following the let him out on his own routine then put a special treat he loves inside the cage when you want him back inside, failing that Mr. Towel works I would prefer not having to use the towel if you can just wait him out. When you have family and children some times you may have to use the towel due to leaving for school or grocery store ect. to keep him safe.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

please try waring gloves. sum people are against it. but i am not. :evil: i ware gloves to put on Mollys flight suit and i am not ashamed to say so. i dont like getting bit either. :evil: better to ware gloves than to leave her in her cage all the X. she loves to go out to run errands and she loves lowriding and she knows the deal about having to ware her flight suit and harness when going out of the house.


in the house she goes B) where she wants.<br><br>Post edited by: jamalbirdbiz, at: 2009/11/20 21:31

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How long has it been since your Grey had a Health check?


If they do not feel well, it can lead to biting and plucking.


Since you have had him for 10 years and had a good relationship with him the entire time upto now. Something has caused this change.


From your post, it sounds like he has been a good bird even in full adulthood.


I believe a vet check is in order to rule out an underlying cause, other than what you have described.


Gloves will just scare the hell out of him and destroy trust.

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I have a very good update for everyone. One of the suggestions was to let Doc come out of his cage on his own. So I have been opening his door everyday and each day he would come out a little more. Yesterday he came out, went to the bottom of the door, stretched for the floor and made it down. He kinda gingerly walked around. I sat on the floor 5 or so feet away. After 10-15 minutes he made his way over to me and stepped up. Just as if there was never anything wrong, he started hypervenilating like he always did because he was so happy to be with me. That felt so good. Hope this is a big turning point. His feathers have already started growing back in. The only thing I realized while holding him is from the scratches on my arms and hands, I need to get his nails clipped...lol. Thank you everyone for their heartfelt suggestions....

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