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Egg laying and bloody tears


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I am having some problems with my 19 year old african grey girl. She is laying eggs and brooding because of this awful double headed amazon I just aquired. It is mean and all of my other birds are tormented (me too) So now my little girl has started laying eggs again and I had bought fake ones. I brought her to the vet and he gave her a shot of Depo provera. I got her home...she was ok. She was on my shoulder for about an hour. Finally, I had to go to work so I put her back in her cage in the birdroom. Well, within minutes she was bleeding from her eyes!! I called the vet and he said not to bring her in...he said her blood pressure was up and this is why she was bleeding and not to worry (!!!WHAT!!) I removed her from the birdroom and her eyes stopped bleeding...but now she is excessively brooding. I am trying to find a home for this new bird but I dont know what to do about my little girl. Should I remove the fake eggs? If I do she will lay more to replace them. The vet also said she was bleeding from a rupture due to the eggs she had already laid so I dont want her laying anymore!! Has anyone had a similar problem???

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Oh my. I don't quite know what to advise. Is there a second opinion you can get from another avian vet in the area? Jillybeanz and I agree that it isn't normal to have a vet give a contraception injection w/out a blood pressure check first. I realize you came here likely hoping for a second opinion, but it might be worth the long distance call to reach the next closest avian vet to see what they say about this.


Is it possible to place the troubled amazon in a room on its own, away from the rest of the birds? I think that would be the first course of action.


danmcq said in chat that greys bleed from the eyes when highly stressed, and obviously she is very upset. If she is the kind of bird who enjoys hanging around with you, it might be best to keep her in a travel cage in your room until the amazon is gone.


If this were me, I'd be calling another vet, and not touching the eggs until I get their opinion. I'd also be prepared for the drive to take the AG to that vet who gave the second opinion.


I'd also put the amazon in another room, even if it was my bedroom, shut away from the others. For their sake, I'd put up with a screamer in my own room. If the amazon is bothering your grey and OTHER birds, obviously it's the one that should be removed.


I really hope you get this all sorted out soon. Karma to you for support.

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You have done a great thing by rescuing this amazon - no doubt it's had something terrible done to it to make it behave so horribly towards your other birds - but it really does need removing to another room - for both of the birds' safety.


Also - welcome to the forum - I hope you continue with us when your parrot woes have subdued. :)

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