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Preparing to purchase African Grey


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Hi I am Kathy. New to this forum. I have been researching these birds for a few months now and I want one badly. My husband pitched a fit about another pet (we have 5 dogs and a tortoise). But he works nights and I am home alone (two teenagers but they are off doing their own things) I get lonely and bored. Our 20th anniversary is coming up in November so I told him that I was either going to get the bird or a boyfriend! It worked...I am getting my bird! We are going to DNA type it so that the name will be sex appropriate. If it is a male his name will be Elmo and if it is a girl we will name her LuLu.

I am sure that the first words out of our birds mouth will either be "Touchdown Dallas Cowboys" or "Darn Dog get down!"

I am still checking out a couple of breeders in Texas and will hopefully settle on one breeder soon as I need to place my deposit.

Just a few questions...can anyone suggest reading materials that would be useful to a new owner before I ever bring home my bird? I have been reading everything I can get my hands on but I want to make sure I have all the information I can have to assure my bird's needs will be met at all times.

Secondly, can someone tell me is the iron cage going to be sufficient or do I really need the stainless steel cage?

I went to the pet store to purchase the cage but there is over a $1000 difference between the iron and the stainless and the pet store here says it must be the stainless.

Lastly, I have solar screens on my house so is that going to be too little light coming inside for our bird? If so can is it ok to take his cage out on the deck with this Texas heat?!

Thank you for the info.


Eager upcoming mom,


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Hi Kathy, and welcome to our family of greys. I am glad to hear you are researching before buying, that shows me that you are going to be a good parent for one of these amazing creatures.


Wow, that was some question to ask your hubby, a bird or a boyfriend, but then that is one way to get what you want, and we know what we want don't we Kathy?


I would suggest reading "For the Love of Greys" by Bobbi Brinker, it is an excellent source of information on all areas of grey ownership and I loved reading it and others here will say the same. Also, read thru a lot of the threads here on this forum, you will find a lot of the info you will need is already posted in various places.


I don't have a stainless steel cage, it is a powder coated cage which is much cheaper. I know the stainless steel may be the best but I don't agree that it has to be stainless, I think the pet store was just trying to push it for the big sale. I know a lot of the other members don't have a stainless steel cage, it is just a matter of choice.

If you are concerned that your grey won't get sufficient light then by all means get one of those full spectrum lights, some of our members here use them.


I hope the information I gave you helps and keep us updated as to how things are going in your quest for a grey.


And again thanks for joining our family, we really care about our members here and hope you will feel the same way about us.:)

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I agree with Judy on the Cage.


Stainless is basically a last for ever cage, but a good Iron, powder coated cage will last for years and years if you just keep it cleaned.


Welcome and keep those questions and curiosity going.


Once you find a breeder and perhaps visit, you could post some photo's...We love Photo's :woohoo:

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Kathy, Hi & Welcome to our family. Judy pretty much answered all your questions. Read as much as you can here. There is some excellent advice based on years of experience from all our members. We are happy you are here.

I love your choice of presents!! Any questions, feel free to ask away. If you have a photo, please post it in our What do you look like thread. :) :)

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WOOT.gif More Texas folks! That makes 3, me, loofa, and another member that lurks occasionally (name omitted, lol).


The pet store is just telling you it has to be stainless so you buy it. Mine's powdercoated, as are many other members.


Here's a store on e-bay, it's in Frisco, so you could just pick it up.. Price isn't bad either:



$200 if you pick it up:

919.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Number6, at: 2007/07/22 02:05

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Talon wrote:

What a beautiful cage. And the price is so cheap? Is it stainless steel? Could it be shipped?

It's powder coated, I've seen this same person selling them in different colors as well-- guess you'd just have to ask. The cages don't get many bids, so you can get them for the $99, but they charge $100 to pick up, and $169 to ship. (that's where they make their money)

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OH, another thing Kathy, I take Gina out and put her cage on the porch at least once a week. Now I wouldn't do it in the direct sun on our 900 degree days, but if it is acceptable to do yard work in, you can put him/her outside. It's a good time for a bath too. Just watch him/her for signs of exhaustion like you would a child.;)

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