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Cleo Update


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Hi guys, long time no see! I hope you and your fids are all hale and hearty. Anyway thought I'd post an update on Madam Cleo.


She's 10 months old now. She's doing a lot of speech practice, and spends hours each day whistling, making all sorts of beeps and boops and some very weird noises. It sounds like she is trying to say "what are you doing", but what comes out is "wawawawa woowin". I find it fantastic to sit here and listen to her though.


Cleo is very sweet, still loves the occasional snuggle and totally reverts back to baby mode when we do. Still eating like a pig, and she's very adventurous when it comes to trying out new foods. Her weight is still around 520 grams. She recently discovered that chewing holes in curtains is a lot of fun, and that swinging from them upside down is ever better.


She's molting at the moment and is looking a bit disheveled. If she happens to see a down feather floating somewhere, she loses the plot. For some reason Cleo HATES them, and will attack these floating menaces with a lot of screaming.

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