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Hello all,


I have been lurking around the forum for a few weeks and decided it was time to finally introduce myself. My name is Amy and I live in WI with my husband, 4 dogs, and a variety for birds. In addition to a pet White Capped Pionus,I have several breeding pairs of color mutation parrotlets, 2 pairs of Maximillan Pionus, and (until today)I had a breeding pair of TAGs. This morning I discovered the male TAG dead in the nestbox and to say that I am devestated is an understatement. Earlier in the month this pair had a clutch of 3 babies, of which only one survived. After going through all that, finding Sonny dead has broken my heart. I have only had the pair a few months, but in that time Sonny and I really became friends. He had a great personality and we used to talk all the time. Even though he was a "breeder" I still miss him so much.


Sonny's death has also left me with another problem- what am I going to do with his mate, Cher? The pair was wild caught, which puts their age at 20+. Cher spends all of her time sitting in the nestbox. She is very uncomfortable around people and if she happens to be out when you enter the bird room she will make a mad dash back to the box. I have no intention of getting her another mate and I don't know if she would be comfortable as a pet.... I'm just at a loss.


Sorry this is so long! If it is not in the appropriate section, please feel free to move it.



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Hello Amy and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could finally join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Cher.


I am so sorry to hear of Sonny's death, yes it is devastating even if he was a breeder, these birds have a way of getting into our heart and when we lose one it hurts so much.


I do not have any advice as to what to do with Cher, I have only had one grey and she is a pet but we do have a few members who have breeder greys who may be able to help you with that situation.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have any of Cher you would share with us we would love to see her.

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Hi Amy. Sorry to hear about your male breeder grey, Sonny. What is it you want to do with Cher? If you don't want to find her a mate then why not give her a little time and see if she wants to be part of the family? Hopefully some of our members who breed greys can give you some better information about what the best way to proceed would be. Welcome to the grey family.

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Welcome Amy!


I am so sorry to hear of the loss.


I am with the others on the thought of perhaps bring her in and keeping her close to the family and "Flock". She will atleast feel like she belongs somewhere. :-)


It may be hard to try and find a mate she would except, but you could try. Only you know your circumstances and how to best deal with this sad situation.


I hope to hear more from you.

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Thanks for the support guys. From what I have read, finding another mate that she will accept would be a very difficult task. I think for now I am just going to try to work on making her come out of the box. I was thinking I should start slow... maybe just block off the box for an hour and so and slowly lengthen the time so that she is out all day and only gets to go in the box at night. However, because she has just suffered such a great loss I thought that I would give her a week or so to grieve in her comfort zone. Does that sound logical? Or should I start working with her right away?


Again, thanks for the help.



Oh, I have included 2 pictures. The first one is Cher. As you can see Sonny plucked her head. The 2nd one is of Sonny and Cher's little boy. He is 6 weeks old. I wasn't going to keep him, but now that Sonny is gone I would like to hang on to a little piece of him. I haven't been able to come up with a name for him yet. Any suggestions?



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Amy, welcome to the forum.


I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Sonny, you must be heartbroken.


Cher must be so lost without her mate, I hope in time she will grieve and get over her loss.


Their baby is absolutely adorable! I too would keep him and hold on to this little bit of Sonny and Cher together.


Im glad you decided to join us, there is aways someone here to listen.

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