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hi, its steve here mandiskem hubby just to let you she is not too good at the moment thats why shes not been on forum, she had an accident where the dog tipped her out the wheelchair. she was fine for a day then she went and put her hip out of joint .as soon as she gets 100% better she will be bk to talk to u all no doubt.

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Steve, I was talking to her on the IM after she came home from the hospital and the next day. I'm so sorry, things are so difficult for her right now. Please tell her she is in our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. We'll miss you, but look forward to her return.


And tell her Thank you for letting us know, we do worry when we don't hear from a member of this family for a few days.


GET WELL SOON!! {Love-000200C5}

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Guest briansmum

yes steve pass on my best wishes and well thoughts and we look forward to having her back as soon as possible.{Love-00020116}

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just and update on mandi. she will be home soon .hospital has told me the hip she put out of joint went inwards and her leg and foot was turned inwards. which meant she could have damaged her pelvic joint with hip joint turned in. the good news is she hasnt damaged it thank god. she will be home one day this week maybe tuesday or weds depends on how well behaved the dogs are. i have had to look after buddy.not the best of tasks as he does not seem to get on with me but i managed to get him in cage. after an hour of trying. hopefully mandi should be bk with u soon .i havent been coping to well without her as the pets all play up when i look after them especially buddy.as soon as she feels up to it maybe end of next week or the following week i will make sure she comes to talk to u all. thanxs for ya worry for mandi and speak soon goin to see her now thanxs steve xxxxxxxxxxxxx:blink:

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Thank you Steve for the update on Mandi, I am glad she is doing better and will get to come home in a few days. I'm sure you are doing the best you can with the pets, and with Buddy and they will be glad when she comes thru the door. Give her our best wishes for a quick recovery and we look forward to hearing from her again soon. Take care and again thanks for the update.

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How are you afected with the weather Steve, Mandi said the other night there was a chance of flooding were you live.. Thats all you need m8 with mandi in hospital, just been watching the news RAIN RAIN AND MORE RAIN......

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just got bk from hospital after seeing mandi. she says shes missing you all loads and cant wait to get bk on forum. weather is not too good here its raining but mandi sister ended up stuck on the m5 on friday. suppose to have took them a 3 hour journey and it took them 17 half hours bk they was stuck in traffic on m5 where there was 8ft water on m5 further up .luckily they got off at a juction not affected but got caught by other road water floods ended up on a roundabout all night cos the police wouldnt let them drive in the dark. finally got home at half 9 sat morning. frightning hey. mandi cant wait to get bk home to see buddy. i have to go now as i have a message to give to someone from mandi . tc all xxxxxxxxxxxxx steve xxxxxxxxxx

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Mandi, we are glad you are home now and hope you recover soon. So happy that your Buddy missed you and now wants to spend time with you, doesn't that make you feel so good.


Steve, you keep us updated on her progress until she can rejoin her friends here on the forum.


Get well soon, Mandi.{Love-000200C5}

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Guest briansmum

welcome home mandi, hope you feel better soon. thanks for the updates steve.


by the way, where in the UK are you?

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Take good care of yourself and get well soon. Just remember you have all of us thinking about you both! Don't rush things one day at a time, but I bet all your animals were so happy to have you back. regards Trina

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update on mandi, mandi will hopefully be coming bk on the forum tomorrow or thursday.shes getting bored with laying in bed and not able to contribute into the forum . i did tell her health comes first but she wont listen to me thanxs for all ya concerns steve xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Guest briansmum

glad your back mandi, what a horrible experience. i have a hip problem too and metal plates in my pelvis, i was in a wheelchair a while ago, so i can empathise. i hope the dogs are more careful in future.

how are you feeling?


(btw i am in wakefield, near leeds, west yorkshire)

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