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Hubby's way to my Heart!


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Paul and I have been married for 14 years, together for 15 and dealing with all of life's ups and downs together for the entire time. Needless to say he's my Prince Charming, always able to ride in on a white horse and rescue me without my having to ask him to. I play a great damsel in distress. To say there is a mutual admiration society going on between us is redundant. However, today, he surprised me like he has never done before (even when he popped the question and presented a diamond that made my mouth drop open).


The mail arrived as usual, excep this time along with the water bill was a box. Addressed to Paul, but with him gone to Maine (since 9/14 and not due home until 11/25) I figured he been shopping. He does this occassionally, but usually stuff for our son, or something he's found from his favorite university (Ole Miss) or one of the things he's heard about on Rush. So without really being excited I opened the box. Inside were books - not a big deal, we both like to read - until I look at the titles. Now I know this won't sound really exciting to all of y'all, but they thrilled me to the pint of tears! My dear sweetie had sent me "The Heritage Guide to the Constitution", "The Federalist Papers" and "Common Sense, The Rights of Man and other essential writings of Thomas Paine".


Oh, and in case you didn't know - I'm a pre-law student at the local community college, graduating in 2010 with hopes of completing my bachelors after that and going on to law school.

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rbpittman wrote:

My dear sweetie had sent me "The Heritage Guide to the Constitution", "The Federalist Papers" and "Common Sense, The Rights of Man and other essential writings of Thomas Paine".


See Robin - true romance - what works for others, doesn't work for some - but to you this is true affection (some see only flowers, perfume etc as romantic gestures).


I see the romance and thought in what Paul sent you - I just wish Michael had the same ideas (but perhaps not the same subjects!!) - last year he told me he'd bought me a "present" after returning from shopping - and swiftly presented me with a jar of wrinkle cream - romance is DEFINTELY dead in my house! ;)

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