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chicken bones!!!


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I have had one of the funniest times ever last night. well it was not funny at the time, but it is now.

I read on the forum last night that they can have chicken bones. Well i did'nt know this and decided fo try them with one.

Nelson is a trusting little soul, and trembles with excitement when he see's me. Casper is very laid back, but very loving.

Well Nelson trembled when hr saw me, and Casper said hello doodles, (thats his name for me) Until they saw the chickrn bone, well all hell broke loose! They both turned into big grey, white and red puffballs! screaming and growling at me. So i soon moved the bones. I had just managed to unglue them both from the side of thier cage, when my son, Gary, walked in with a halloween mask on! and it started all over again! Poor little guy's! it will be a while before they see another chicen bone. lol

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Hahahahahahahahaa, oh man, what a laugh this gave me. :-)


My Grey just eats with me quite a bit. If I'm eating something, it's ok by him. The first time I had a drumstick, he tried it out, found the bone and it was destroyed in short order. Most Greys love chicken bone marrow.


Now I have to fight to keep the drumstick long enough to eat most the meat off before Dayo tries to wrestle it from me. :-)

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I nearly split my sides laughing after when they had calmed down. I would love to know what they were thinking. It did worry me at the time though, i hate it when they get stressed out it can't do them any good.

I will try again soon, but i will pretend i am eating it yuk! That should do the trick. If they think it's anything i eat they will have. it

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