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Cage Locks/Fasteners


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I have heard terrible experiences of Grey's getting out of their cage and getting hurt or worse, killed. One Grey owner came home and found his Grey hanging from the top of the cage, dead. Apparently, the bird got the fastener open, and in his efforts to get out the top of the cage, hung itself.


Do you recommend additional locks to protect your Grey from damage or death? If so, what type, what works, and any other suggestions you may have.

Kim {Feel-bad-00020072}

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Guest briansmum

it depends on your cage really, and the age of you bird. my breeder reccomended i keep and eye on brian as he uses the same cage for his birds and some of his older ones have figured out how to open it. so far, brian knows where the door is, but thats it.


but by all means take extra precaution, i mean it's not going to hurt is it? you could use a small padlock, being carful of the material it is made from. or what i use to lock Brians travel cage is one of the loops with the screw lock that comes on most bird toys.

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Jacques hasn't figured out how to get out of his cage. There was one time when I thought he had, but it turned out to be my little cousins- At one point while they were visiting (Jacques's cage was in temporarily in my room at that point) I walked into my room to find him sitting on the little door that opens up to become a perch. Thankfully he was still sitting there... And then after that I walked in to find the lock on his door open, but he was still inside. Of course my cousins never fessed up, but it didn't happen again after I gave them a good talking to. :evil:


Your bird may not open his cage, but watch out for young relatives. :silly:

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My cage has a safety piece on the front in addition to the door latch, you must move it out of the way in order to get the door open and Josey has not figured that out yet. But she does not seem interested in fooling with it anyway, maybe she is happy in her cage and satisfied with the time I give her out of it.

Unless she learns how to open it I won't put any additional locks on it.

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My cage has a spring loaded lock, you just press the button to open it. I don't thing that Gina could reach it and put enough pressure on it to unlock it from the inside. It takes the full length of my pinky finger to reach it from the inside of the cage. Even if she did, there is a swinging tab that you have to rotate to open or close the cage.

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Guest Lidia

IF in doubt, add something extra to keep the cage locked. You will be surprised by how much ingenuity they can employ to get out. Joshua's present cage is impossible for him to open from inside, but on his last one I had to use one of those lanyard type clips to keep the door closed. The clips with the toggle you hold down to push the clip open are no use, they can work those after a bit of practice. The ones that need physical pressure to open are fine.

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My cage also has a spring lock that I have to pull back to open. Although Jiggy can dismantle water bottles and dishes thankfully she does not seem to be bothered to work on this lock.She and Quinn are out of their cage a lot so hopefully the time in the cage isn't so bad for them. If they did manage to get out, it is hard to imagine all the mischeif Quinn would get into as he heads off on foot at every opportunity! Just looking for us usually but one never knows. My friend had a grey once that got out andd it pulled out all the buttons on her couch!

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Guest Lidia

birdgranna wrote:

My friend had a grey once that got out andd it pulled out all the buttons on her couch!


They're quite the naughty monkeys when they have the opportunity, aren't they? Joshua once stayed at a friend's for the weekend and he was only out of the cage when she was there, but in a small gap of about five minutes, when she was making herself a cup of tea, he managed to pull all the buttons off her video recorder!

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